I’ve come to realize that just because I am NOT everyone’s standard mold of a man, that it doesn't mean I need to cram myself into the wrong fit to suit their purpose. For as long as I remember, I have given myself PERMISSION to be me and I am not about to stop now…The man that I am isn’t representative of the GAY community, heck I don’t even represent the majority anywhere. And that’s fine by me because I do represent the few who push N’ claw their way to light when darkness finds me. The ones that are NOT yes men OR women, who want only the best for each and every person living on this planet. When I breathe, love OR speak…I speak with a truth that is NOT my own…I don’t exist by anyone’s standards and I don’t expect anyone to live by mine. Isn’t it AMAZING how so many us have this belief that fitting into a mold may seem easy? I don’t know about you, but as long as I’ve been on this planet I’ve come to realize that there will always be something more OR less I could do to fit it better and unfortunately, it will never be enough. Being part of this minority naturally sets me up to feel alienated from the majority. But if I am to be fair to myself, I OWE it to myself to relish the benefits. I get to see life distinctly different from the majority; and it is men AND women such as me that get to be trailblazers because we can think out of the proverbial box AND forge into uncharted territory. Though we are often seen as cynics on the sidelines that don’t offer much, I find that we tend to be the best allies a person can have. So the next time you find yourself in the presence of one of us, remember that yin CANNOT exist without the yang; and if we can remember that, then we actually have a lot in common…AFTER ALL, AREN’T WE ALL SWIMMING IN AN OCEAN OF DIVERSITY; SO HOW DOES MY UNIQUENESS SHINE IF I AM TRYING TO BE YOU? YOU CAN CALL ME CRAZY, YOU CAN EVEN CALL ME STUPID…BUT THE ONE THING YOU WON’T EVER CALL ME IS AN ORDINARY MAN…THAT’S BECAUSE I HOLD MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE THINGS I’VE DONE IN THIS LIFE…I STOPPED WAITING ON PERFECT & REALIZED THAT I HAVE CREATE IT IN MY WORLD & COMMUNITY…& I’VE PROMISED MYSELF THAT I WILL ALWAYS BE HONEST NO MATTER WHAT THE CAUSE EVEN THOUGH I WISH I CAN SAY I AM SORRY, I CAN’T BECAUSE…I DON’T NEED PERMISSION TO BE ME & NO ONE EVER SHOULD…