So not surprisingly, Sookie survived being shot with a wooden
bullet in the cemetery. At first, she was too far gone to take Bill’s blood,
but after Bill and Alcide prayed offscreen (“Werewolf and a vampire, who’s
gonna listen?” Alcide asked) she did. She eventually woke up, and I found
myself wondering whether Bill had asked Alcide to go get a washcloth so he
could clean his blood off her face. Thoughtful. Sookie’s first thought was of
Eric, who Bill said was missing. Alcide had enough of Sookie risking her life
for fangers and left. Sookie thanked Bill for giving her his blood, and he
said anytime. I should have been anticipating a lust-filled dream, but mainly,
my mind was still on how close Alcide’s head was to the ceiling when he walked
out of her living room. It reminded me of studying abroad in London my junior
year of college, and my flatmate Amy watching an NYPD Blue episode
and suddenly addressing the TV: “Jimmy Smits, you a big tall man. Well
alright." (That was 15 years ago, and I still impersonate her.)
Bill wanted her to tell Eric that she never stopped loving him, and
that’s why he was in her dream. She couldn’t help herself, she told Eric. She’d
had Bill’s blood. The boys prepared to fight, with Eric shouting that he was 10
times Bill’s age, and Bill yelling that he loved Sookie 20 times as much. She
ordered them to the living room to have a talk. Ultimately, she explained that
she could be dreaming about anything -- swimming with dolphins, eating a whole
pie without the calories counting -- so the fact that she was dreaming about
the two of them must mean something. She’s in love with both of them. Bill said
she couldn’t be, that’s not who she is. Sookie said she was putting that
self-conscious little girl who was too scared to think outside the box behind
her. New Sookie doesn’t have to be Bill’s or Eric’s. Bill and Eric could be
The men protested. “I’m the king of Louisiana, I do not share,”
Bill said. Eric told her she had to choose. But Sookie played hardball. Why is
it a man wanting to be with two women he doesn’t even know is an acceptable
idea, but a woman who tries to have her way with two men she’s totally and
completely in love with isn’t? She was asking them to love her back, together.
“It’s either both of you or nothing at all,” she said. Then, with Gran turning
over in her grave, Sookie joined them on the uncomfortable sofa. I
thought/hoped she was going to make them kiss -- which would have been amazing
-- but instead, she grabbed their heads and pulled them to her neck. That’s
when she woke up. I know the takeaway from that dream was that Sookie still has
feelings for Bill (and presumably would even without his blood in her system),
but I find it even more fascinating that Eric looked like Real Eric.
Perhaps that was meant to signify that Sookie truly does love Eric,
and will even if/when he gets his memory back. Or, she could have just dressed
him like that because it felt appropriately naughty for the dream. Real Eric is
even more outside the box than Nice Eric. Before me move on, for whom do you
think filming that scene was the most awkward: Anna Paquin, her husband Stephen
Moyer, or Alexander Skarsgard? I’m sure they laughed their way through it, but
still, a threeway isn’t something married actors are asked to shoot every day.
I wonder if they cut it short because going farther would’ve made the idea
uncomfortable (though the three have done at least one nude magazine photo
shoot together), or if it’s because they wanted to leave a place to go to the
next time Sookie has a fantasy….
Back in reality, Eric was with Antonia and the
other surviving witches at the Moon Goddess Emporium. Antonia wanted them to
form a circle for a protection spell, and Tara, along with everyone but
friendless Roy, refused. This wasn’t what they’d signed up for. They wanted to
leave, but Antonia wouldn’t let them. She’d brought Eric back with them because
she wanted to show the cameras at the following night’s Festival of Tolerance
what vampires are capable of, and what witches are capable of doing to them.
At Bill’s, Jessica had spent hours crying to Nan
about Hoyt, just like the teenager she technically is. She wished she was dead,
then remembered she was and it didn’t matter. Nan said the experience made her
happy that she’d never put her career on hold to become a maker. Successful
female vampires: they’re just like us! “You’re nothing like you are on TV,”
Jessica told cold Nan. When Bill returned home, they went down to the cell to
be silvered for daylight. While Jessica continued to whimper, Bill and Nan
fought. Bill wanted to cancel the tolerance rally in case Eric was now under
Antonia’s control as Luis had been. Nan wouldn’t allow it. What would she tell
the TV networks and bloggers? Bill suggested she blame it on the witches, which
humans had happily done in the past. No, she said. He could increase security,
but the event would happen and the cameras better find him in a “festive and
tolerant f---ing mood.” I’m torn: Part of me wants Nan to pay for her poor
decision-making and inability to see beyond the next day’s headlines, and part
of me wants to see Nan be the one to do Antonia in after Antonia tries to pet
her like she’s a four-legged bitch.
Sam, meanwhile, was still at Luna’s while all this
was going down. She wanted him to leave incase Marcus came back, but Sam is
reclaiming his title as Best Boyfriend Ever from Alcide. Luna is trying to
teach Emma not to run from her problems, but, Sam insisted, camping was a
loophole because it’s just getting back to nature, which is always healthy.
Plus, Emma would be too distracted in the morning when she awoke in the woods
to piece together why no one had mentioned to her that they were going camping.
You’re a good man, Sam Merlotte. I thought he underestimated Emma, but he was
right: She was consumed with trying to catch a rabbit to pet. She told her mom
and Sam that she hoped she’d grow up to be a shifter instead of a werewolf so
she could shift into a bunny and pet herself. Sam, guaranteeing he’d get laid
that night, pretended to be catching the rabbit and shifted into one himself so
Emma could pet him. Smooth, Sam. I’m trying not to dislike Luna for the trouble
she’s causing Sam, and her parenting skills are helping. She doesn’t use the
word “fat” around her daughter, and she told her that whatever she turns out to
be is what she's meant to be and it’s perfect.
Luna did end up crawling into Sam’s tent that
night as he was reading by flashlight (swoon), and we got to cut back-and-forth
from them to Tommy as Sam getting his ass kicked by Marcus’ pack. I understand
that the advantage of running with a pack is people always have your back. But
I’m sorry, Marcus having all that backup when he invited Sam over to intimidate
him into not dating Luna made him look weak to me. After that night in the
cemetery, and sneaking back into bed with Debbie (did Alcide not know she’d
smell Sookie’s blood on him?), Alcide decided he wanted to move up in the
Shreveport pack ranks. It was important to Debbie, he told Marcus, so it had to
be important to him. I think it’s dangerous for Marcus to know Alcide will do
anything for Debbie, don’t you? Especially after all that happened this hour.
Alcide agreed to be there when Marcus talked to the shifter screwing his wife,
but only because Marcus said all he was going to do was talk. He’d gone to
Merlotte’s looking for Sam and found Tommy instead. Tommy was there writing a
goodbye note to Sam when Marcus gave him his card and said to tell Sam to be
there tonight or he’d have an even bigger problem.
I’m not sure why Tommy went there. I’d like to
think he was protecting Sam and thought he should be the one paying for
sleeping with Luna. I assume he didn’t know that Sam was still seeing her and
genuinely believed the bad blood would end after that night. (If he'd heard
they were dating, what did he think would happen the next time Marcus saw them
together, even if he took this beating for Sam?) I also don’t think Tommy cared
if he got killed. Why else would he mouth off to Marcus? Fortunately, Alcide is
enough of a man not to beat on a guy he has no issue with and to growl and stop
others when they’re going too far. When Tommy turned back into himself, Marcus
ordered his men to get rid of him, but Alcide picked him up and carried him
out. He made Tommy look like a child in his arms. Are we hoping Tommy lives? I
feel like he’s a character that just exists to die. We’ve had so many scares.
Was this a big enough moment for producers to pull the trigger? (The promo for
next week shows Alcide holding one of the guys who kicked Tommy’s butt so Sam
can have at him. Maybe he does die.)
We know Marcus won’t be happy with Alcide, nor
will he be happy with Debbie if word gets back that she went to Antonia and
pissed her off by tricking her. Debbie is a frustrating character but also an
interesting one. We saw her buy V and down a vial, which made you think she'd
lost her mind, and it was a gun she’d pulled out of her car and was holding
behind her back at Sookie’s door. Instead, it was flowers. Tired of Debbie
rambling over iced tea, Sookie told her to be quiet so she could listen to her
thoughts: Debbie was saying she’d do anything for Alcide, and she wished Sookie
would see that she wanted to help her. Not knowing Alcide had washed his hands
of Sookie, Debbie thought doing anything for Alcide meant helping her. Way to
take advantage of her, Sookie, but all is fair in love and war. I think the
first time I truly liked Debbie was when she said even if Sookie thinks reading
minds is a curse, it’d be nice to know what people are thinking every once in a
while. There was a genuine vulnerability that made you forgive most of the crazy. Sookie told her Alcide loved
her. Friends!
The plan, apparently, was for Debbie to distract
Antonia at the door of the Moon Goddess Emporium while Sookie snuck in through
a window and found Eric. Debbie played it cool at first: She said she knew who
and what Antonia was up against and she was there on behalf of the Shreveport
wolf pack to pledge allegiance to her cause and offer support. Sookie found
Eric, and he wouldn’t or couldn’t move. He told Sookie to leave. She knew he
was under Antonia’s spell, which, if Antonia was smart, would’ve included an
order not to reveal his orders to
anyone. But he was able to tell Sookie he’d been charged with killing the king.
Tara stumbled upon Sookie and drew a gun on her. I
assume Debbie was trying to save herself when she pointed out that she’d
brought telepathic Sookie, who aids vampires, to Antonia. Or was she smart
enough to know that Antonia wouldn’t want Tara to shoot Sookie because Sookie
could be useful? Regardless, Tara told Sookie her coming there was the
stupidest thing she’d ever seen and pointedly asked her if she was even
listening to her. Sookie listened to Tara’s thoughts, which told her they were
being held captive and Bill was at the Dorchester hotel. She told Sookie to
charge her, so she could make it look like she wasn’t letting her escape when
she hit the ground and fired shots. Smart move, Tara. Antonia took only Roy and
Eric with her to the hotel and locked the rest of the witches inside. When Tara
touched the door knob, it burned her hand. The same thing happened to someone
who tried another door.
Debbie got back in her car and wasn’t exactly
happy to see Sooke running toward her. Debbie’s work wasn’t done. She had to
drive Sookie to the Dorchester. I assume we got that quip from Sookie calling
out Debbie’s slow driving (“I have to say, for a badass werewolf, you drive
like a girl”) so we’d buy that Antonia could have beat them there. The only
other vampires at the tolerance rally besides Nan, Bill, and the sister of the
girl who’d started the LSU chapter of the Living Dead Alliance, were the three
remaining Louisiana sheriffs, which Bill likened to holding a Civil Rights
protest without any African-Americans present. Eric got the sheriffs to chase
him and led them into a trap -- Antonia gained control of them as well.
After Nan, in a suit inspired by Jackie O., spewed
some facts I didn’t care enough about to rewind and jot down, it was Bill’s
turn to speak about how they needed to be vigilant -- a message of hate is more
seductive than a message of love. Sookie yelled his name, and Nan’s “Oh, Jesus
f---ing Christ” was priceless. Then, in the balcony, the vampire sheriffs made
Bill’s human guards' intestines come out the front of their bodies and dropped
them to the floor below on Antonia’s command. “They’re comin’ for you, Bill.
Run!” Sookie said, as the sheriffs tossed bodies in the crowd on their way to
the stage and Eric zoomed toward Bill from a box seat. I can’t wait to see how
those next few moments play out. Watching the promo for next week, it looks
like Eric is the one who ends up getting shot with a wooden bullet?
So much drama, we needed a little levity. Cue Hoyt
waking up the morning after his breakup with Jessica, stumbling upon a Taylor
Swift CD, and deciding to pack up a box of her belongings, which included
a Twilight book. We didn’t see Hoyt
put the CD in the box at first, so I choose to believe it was their CD, and he hadn’t decided whether or not to
give it to her… until Jason found out.
This episode was the most action Hoyt’s house has
seen. Mavis, in Lafayette’s body, showed up there thinking it was still her
home. She pulled Andy's gun on Hoyt, and Hoyt ran out of the house in his
boxers and called Jason, who was at the Bellefleurs investigating Mikey’s
kidnapping. Again, I love the actors who play Terry and Andy and want to see
more of them, but if Andy’s V addiction exists simply so Terry can accuse Andy
of being jealous that he has a wife and child -- lame. Andy downed a vial of V,
forgot to bring Hoyt a pair of pants, then broke down the door of Hoyt’s house
and nearly got himself shot in the head by Mavis. Jason tackled Andy back
outside. Terry and Arlene showed up, and Andy tackled Terry before he could get
inside. That’s when Terry accused Andy of being jealous.
Andy, realizing he was in no condition to be calling
the shots, put Jason in charge. Jason’s first order of business was asking
Jesus, who Arlene had called, if Lafayette ever turns into a woman named Mavis
when they roleplay. Oh, Jason. Jesus went into the house and explained the
situation to Mavis. She only began to believe Mikey wasn’t her son and she was
dead when Jesus said she’d entered his boyfriend’s body. Boyfriend? She felt her man parts and knew she couldn’t
have birthed a baby.
Jesus did some magic, and Mavis recounted her last
night alive. She wanted to know why she couldn’t hug her baby one last time,
and the lover who'd killed him said it was because he’d already buried him. He
stabbed Mavis, and her spirit floated up and watched herself die. She saw the
man shoveling and couldn’t take anymore and left. They knew where to look for
the body of her baby.
Terry is such a good guy: when Mavis apologized
for taking Mikey, he told Lafayette these things happen and they still love
him. Hoyt was doing the digging when they found the remains of both Mavis
and her baby. Mavis held her son and sang to him. Jesus said it was time to go,
he needed his Lafayette back, and as he did a spell, Mavis' spirit left
Lafayette’s body. Somehow, they all saw
that happen, which you could tell from Terry’s “Holy f---.” We got to see Mavis
holding her baby’s adorable spirit and they were gone -- but not before she
thanked Lafayette. “You got it, bitch,” he said. Ha. Anyone else thinking
Lafayette spinoff? With Medium and Ghost Whisperer off the air, there is a hole. Though
truthfully, I would settle for Lafayette’s storyline converging with the witch
and vampire war next episode. Presumably Sookie will tell him and Jesus about
Tara being held prisoner, and they’ll team up with the vampires.
When that mess was over, it was time for Jason to
drink some Bud and help Hoyt put his door back up. Yes, Jason, minus the bullet
holes, it looked great. Jason found the Taylor Swift CD, which Hoyt placed in a
box labeled “For you, monster.” He asked Jason to drop it off at Bill’s on his
way home. Jason tried to get out of it, but as Hoyt’s best friend, he had to do
it if Hoyt never wants to see Jessica again. All Hoyt got out of their year
together was fang marks, he said. But apparently, all she got out of it could
fit into a box -- where were her clothes? -- so quit your bitchin’, Hoyt.
It was nice that Jason scratched out “For you,
monster” on the box, wasn’t it? He could tell she was upset. She guessed he
paraphrased Hoyt’s words (how impressed were you that Jason used the word
“paraphrasing?”). Jason said if she ever needed to talk… She invited him in,
but he didn’t think it was a good idea. It was like he thought he’d be safe if
he stayed in the doorway. But he hesitated too long before leaving. He should
have dropped and done pushups, but once you heard the dramatic string intro
to Taylor Swift’s
“Haunted” you knew he hadn’t. Outside, the camera panned
through the grass to Jason’s truck, in the bed of which Jessica popped up
straddling a naked Jason. I guess they didn’t want to stay inside incase Bill
came home? And all of Bill’s guards had gone with him? (Seems like someone
should have stayed behind to guard the King’s grounds.) I love this storyline:
I love that they got a Taylor Swift song, age-appropriate for Jessica, instead
of an epic instrumental like Sookie has with her immortal lovers. I love that it’s
manwhore Jason and eternal virgin Jessica. The only thing I don’t love is the
feeling that Jason wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t have Jessica’s blood in
him. It’s sad that his friendship with Hoyt will be ruined over something he
had no control over. Then again, Sookie had Real Eric’s blood in her and
resisted him.
Your turn. What did you think of the episode? Were
you satisfied with the Mikey/doll payoff? Is anyone else worried that the only
way Andy's V addiction storyline is worth the screentime it’s received is if an
angry Andy (gulp) kills Terry? How will Bill and Eric escape the Festival of
Tolerance alive? How great will it be to see Alcide and Sam have scenes
together? What the hell is Debbie doing with Marcus? And which Taylor Swift
song do you hope Jason and Jessica get it onto next? There will be a next time,
I am a fan of True Blood but since they introduced his character I am team Alcide all the way...lol.