¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Monday, 10 September 2012


The Adonis Factor attempts to cover the topic of the obsession of body images, how gay men view themselves and how gay men type casts each other in the gay community.  Muscle Heads, bears, chubs, twinks, etc.

I first saw the documentary film about a year ago.  I had my opinions and have been meaning to write a review about it for some time. Because so much time had pass, I decided to re-watch it, just to see if there was anything I may have forgotten or issues that may have stood out.

Before my re-viewing, I got online to see what some of the critics and other viewers had to say about the documentary. I wanted to know if they shared my initial thoughts.

Interestingly the majority of viewers and critics don’t like the movie. They feel the documentary is a slickly put together film, filled with “Eye Candy”, gay public displays of affection and to many quick snippet interviews from mostly superficial gay men dealing with or not properly dealing with serious (or not serious enough) issues.

They feel the film does not go in depth to really address the pressing concerns affecting the gay community concerning body images, superficial-ness and self development.

Well for the most part I agree but I am not as critical. This is the first documentary I have seen to ever attempt to cover these issues.  For that I give this film high praises!

The interviewees range from everyday gay men of all shapes, sizes, and races.  From models, porn actors and directors, DJ’s, personal trainers to therapists.  Yes many of the interviewees do seem shallow. Yes many are stereotypical.  But guess what…these people do exist in the gay community.  Yes there is a lot of “Eye Candy” in the film which can be a minor distraction but again the topics raised and discussed are not talked about enough concerning the gay community.  

Many of us grew up and out seeing images of square steel jawed, beef cake, six pack men in media and in porn.  The soap opera hunks, the male cover models, the diesel men in the music videos who represent masculinity and power.  

While much of the media attention in the 90's and into the new century focused on girls (and still does) with eating disorders and self esteem issues, the media did and still does for the most part ignore the boys who were suffering from some of the same issues due to the stereotypical ideas surrounding male masculinity, toughness and not showing emotions. The reality is that these boys grow up to be men with low self esteem and low self worth, while attempting to look like the men on TV and in magazines. 

As we know most men are visual creatures and many gay men visualize having that hot body and having sex with a man with a hot body.  As I was once told, gay men are looking for other men with the superficial “Trifecta” …FACE, BODY and DICK

I remember being a chubby teenager and watching Salt N Pepa’s “Whatta Man” music video.  I remember the scene on the beach and how they reacted to the sexy men running in speedos.  I realized this imagery is what people want. This is what is attractive and sexy.  This is what I want my chubby self to look like so people will think I am attractive and sexy. Not realizing at the time, I was just fine how I was.
Well of course with many awkward young homosexual boys and men who may not have a high sense of self worth or self esteem, these images along with the quest for the perfect male body can have lasting negative impacts.

The Adonis Factor brings these issues to the forefront with candid conversation with its subjects. There are nuggets of self evaluation, self development and inspiration with commentary from doctors and therapists.  I did get a sense that there was not a “resolution” by the time the documentary ends; however for me the film’s short comings are not important because it is a great starting point to discuss and further the film’s topics of conversation.

You or gay men you know will be able to identify and relate with something in this film.  At only 70 minutes in length, this documentary is perfect to watch with a group of your friends which will definitely get the thought provoking conversations started.

I give kudos to the writer, director and producer Christopher Hines.  I think this is a good follow up to his first documentary “The Butch Factor”.  I am glad someone thought enough of us to at least offer something to get us talking in hopes of healing and making us better.

Thank you for creating something positive to help gay men move forward!

The Adonis Factor is available for streaming on "Netflix".  The trailier is below.


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