¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Saturday, 11 October 2008


I want to start off by wishing you a HAPPY EARTH~DAY! This is your day and I hope you enjoy it to the fullest. I sincerely hope that you use this day to reflect on the year that passed AND the one that has started…LORD KNOWS I HAVE! I find it interesting how we find ourselves @ the cross-roads of time and the decisions that we make today will have an effect on our tomorrow. NONETHELESS, you and I both know that I am YOUR friend AND will always be and you cannot deny that. There are times when you are called upon to be someone you are NOT and that isn’t something I am prepared to do and for that I am sorry. You know that I will be honest with you and you know that isn’t what you want in your life right now…To know that we are in this place where things aren’t things says that you do NOT understand OR know me…I will be BOLD and say I don’t think that you care to. Nonetheless, I wish ONLY good things for you…from the moment we met that was my intension. It is SO interesting how as we age we STILL look for others approval in order to feel alive…human even…but what does it give us? You are @ a point in your life when you should question why, when AND how. This realization needs to happen for you before you loose EVERYTHING that you hold near and dear to you. For some odd reason getting the short end of the stick has such a tight a hold on your psyche that it feels like the REAL thing; but it is NOT! Hence I feel that YOU need to heal what hurts AND free up the negative energy that is keeping you in the same place year after year. The longer you sit on things, the harder it is to work through, and the more likely it is that you will be forced to acknowledge it as it makes itself known to you in ways you can't predict. Rather than waiting for this to happen, I hope that you can empower yourself by identifying the pain AND resolving to take action toward healing it. I know that the VERY thought of this brings up feelings of resistance, especially since your life is fine on the surface. I know that it is HARD for you to dig up the past and go into it unless you are being seriously inconvenienced by the hurt. BUT WHAT CHOICE DO YOU HAVE? The thing is, when we are carrying the burden of our unprocessed pain, sooner OR later, it will inconvenience us. So it pays to be brave AND proactive, so you can save yourself a lot of future suffering AND free up the energy that is tied up in keeping the pain down. It is time to that you walk with your head up, with a smile on your face. In order for you to get there, you need to make some decisions. Whatever path you choose, resolve to go deep into the pain AND set yourself free. Remember, it is never too late in life to heal what hurts, and there is never a better time than now. So as you read this and go about your life please remember that my thoughts are just that MY thoughts, I only say what I say because I see what is to come but I realize that you can’t make someone want to do good by themselves…they have to want it…I believe that all life is predestined and yours and mine follow that path…I believe that sometimes you have to let someone go in order for them to come back…So take responsibility for fulfilling your destiny…when you do you will see that you NOT only take fate into your own hands, but also you become the hands of your own fate. Doorways inevitably open for you to step through, and every choice you make will lead you to where you need to be…SO whether YOU THINK I AM ON YOUR SIDE OR NOT, WE BOTH KNOW THAT I AM…I AM ONE THE MOST REAL, HONEST & OPEN HUMAN YOU WILL EVER MEET IN YOUR LIFE…SO AS YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY, PLEASE MAKE THIS THE START OF ACCEPTING & MAKING THAT STEP TOWARDS MAKING YOURSELF WHOLE…YOU WILL BE SUCH A BETTER MAN IF YOU DO…

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