Spartacus again must keep his warriors united,
as Glaber plans an attack on the temple they occupy, on the latest episode of
“Spartacus: Vengeance,” “Monsters.”
The episode begins with Spartacus’ warriors,
deep in slumber for the night. Just then, Roman soldiers stealthily pass
the unguarded wall and attack. Before the battle is too pitched, one of
the “Romans” reveals himself to be Spartacus himself. He says that this
was a test, one the warriors failed. They are still too fractured to keep
each other safe. More on this later…
Meanwhile, Seppia, armed with knowledge about
Glaber’s role in her brother’s death, bristles at his touch. But just as
she begins to succumb, a most surprise visitor arrives: Ilithyia.
Dehydrated and delirious, she collapses. Some time later, she is revived
and sees Glaber standing before her. They talk, and it’s clear that she
has been replaced by Seppia, for what she saw upon entering was not an
illusion. Glaber is told that Spartacus let Ilithyia go. As for
Glaber, he declares himself no longer the man who once loved Ilithyia, but
rather, a “monster.”
Back in Capua, Ilithyia and Lucretia
reunite. She tells Lucretia that the child she’s carrying is
Spartacus’. Together, they ponder how they can keep Glaber from moving
forward with Seppia. At the same time, Glaber plans an attack with Ashur,
who has figured out that Ilithyia was held in a temple in Vesuvius. Ashur
asks for, and he thinks granted, his freedom when Spartacus falls. And in
that brave new world, he tells Lucretia later, she will be his wife and Domina
in the house of Ashur.
Back to Spartacus. We see what task Agron
completed for him, as he returns from commandeering a truck filled with
wine. The libation fuels the warriors to engage in sport by dueling, a
most vigorous team building exercise if ever there was one. Soon,
Oenomaus, Gannicus, Crixus and Agron all release tensions between them.
Everyone is happy, save for Mira, who shortly before learned that Spartacus
cannot make himself closer to her in the way she desires.
Meanwhile, Glaber is confronted by Virnius, who
has learned of Ilithyia’s kidnapping. He says that he has been dispatched
to take Spartacus down. He angrily leaves, but not before telling Seppia
that her claims about Glaber’s killing her brother are unfounded and ill-timed,
to boot. Seppia later bemoans her fate to Lucretia, who in her usual way,
eggs the younger woman towards purpose…killing Glaber.
Sure enough, she’s on her way to do just that,
and catches him in an uncompromising position, smashing him with a wine
jug. As she’s about to knife him, she is knifed…by Ilithyia, who then
slits her throat, making a literal bloody mess of it, too. Ilithyia
“comforts” her husband, saying that they should move on from recent events,
reunite as “monsters”. They consummate their reunion.
Later, Spartacus is communing with the warriors
when they see a flare, a signal that Romans approach. They get into
attack mode, holding off the Romans as best they can. Virinius is leading
part of the attack, but finds that the warriors are not easily felled.
Just then, there’s fireballs in the sky, a deadly attack that takes out some of
the warriors, and Virinius as well. Glaber leads the fireball attack from
a safe distance. Spartacus and the others are forced to fall back,
ultimately deciding to take to the higher ground where Glaber is not equipped
to follow. But he has a sinister smirk on his face, knowing that the
higher ground is a place of no food or water. The warriors will come down
from the mountain, where he promises to be waiting for them, and vows to kill
them all.
One more episode to the season. How much
you want to bet there will be blood spilled! But here’s another question…what
did you think of “Monsters”?
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