Jason Momoa stars in this remake of the
classic Conan, the Barbarian.Forged on the battlefield and a witness to the
murder of his father and devastation of his village, Conan inevitably
grows up to be a warrior who sets out to take revenge.
The Cemerian warrior's quest for revenge
soon turns out to be an epic battle for the future of the nations of Hyboria.
What's Good About the Movie: The first 20 minutes or so with Conan as
a young, fearless and uninhabited boy were some of the more entertaining scenes
of the movie and the movie probably provided enough gory fight scenes to
appease some fans.
The casting of Jason Momoa as Conan was
a good job as he commanded the screen with his physical presence (more so his
physique) and did the best with the material he had to work with.
What's Bad about the Movie: The plot was fairly weak and predictable
with nothing major to offer the audience in terms of surprise plot twists, or
any great conflicts or story line.
There was no credible special or visual
effects that warranted this movie being offered in 3D which seems to be a trend
among most of the movies released in this format. Suffice it to say that this
is indicative of the shameless greed of the studios.
Overall Grade: C-, Chiseled physique and
all couldn't save this barbarian.
True to the proverbial: "Ain't nothing like the real thing, baby!" However, the images of the modern Conan are, well,...intriguing?