¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!
A relationship usually means you're exclusive to one person, giving your heart and soul to your mate, at least within reason. We're supposed to feel strongly about that person; and that person only. But does the world stop turning because you're hitched? OF COURSE IT DOES NOT! Is it normal to stop looking only because your other half says so? It's normal for your lover to want you only to himself, but that shouldn't discard the possibility of sightseeing on the beautiful hills of
Parts Of YOU
Enjoy the ride as YOU flow through the universe
For today YOU only become this age but once.
For 364 days of out the year
YOU struggle against the current of life
Trying to do things in your own way
And today YOU can.
I can go on and tell that YOU are a STRANGE person
But YOU know that already.
I can write about how INVISIBLE YOU are
But what’s the point?
The ONLY thing I ask on this day,
I want YOU to transform yourself
As YOU get closer AND closer to man that YOU are becoming.
STAND in front of yourself
And thank YOU for being here for YOU.
Feel the gratitude, attention, warmth, and support,
While noticing the sense of safety YOU feel
As YOU surround YOU.
Feel inspired,
Share your innermost thoughts.
YOU may be surprised at the feelings of peace
When YOU feel safe enough to go deep into your soul
And share yourself with YOU
YOU are
All that has left YOU behind
The dread of the nothing
YOU OUGHTA KNOW is a Grammy-winning song written by Alanis Morissette and Glen Ballard, and produced by Ballard for Morissette's third album Jagged Little Pill (1995). The song, the lyrics of which describe Morissette's fouled relationship with an unnamed lover (later identified as David Coulier aka the dude from Full House) introduced her harsh, angst-ridden lyrics to the public. I chose this video NOT only because I LOVE this woman to death but for the fact that she is having a concert in my country and I cannot afford to go. Nonetheless, I am sure she will rock the house. I LOVE this song SO much and the album is DEFINITELY one of my top 10 favorite. This video is SO Freudian and it is PERFECT in that it showed that there is NOTHING like a woman scorned. This timeless classic will live on forever…