¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Friday, 03 August 2012


Yesterday I decided to wear a pink colored shirt to work and I QUICKLY learned how ignorant the human mind can be. My co-worker (God bless her heart) decided to ask me a personal question. And her question to me was why I would wear a PINK colored shirt? My response was because I can…she then said that she doesn’t think a man should wear a shirt this color and if he does then he more than likely is GAY. When she said that I laughed because her logic was SO off center; how sad is that this way of thinking exist in this world huh? PITY…Then she proceeded to question MY sexuality by asking if I am gay, to which I asked her if she was interested? To which she said that she wasn’t because she doesn’t date within the working environment (NOT because she is a married woman), but because she doesn’t believe in cooking AND taking a dump in the same place. I TOTALLY agree with her on that sentiment; however I can’t help think how an article of clothing would suggest that I am a HOMOSEXUAL? So does this mean that MASCULINITY ≠ A PINKSHIRT? 

This proved to me that in today’s society we are WAY TOO consumed with MASCULINITY. I thought that ONLY beauty was in the eye of the beholder, I didn’t know that article of clothing made its way in there as well? This belief, this notion is NOTHING more than a perception that has NO result in anything other than our frames of reference. Hence the ENTIRE GENTRIFICATION comes down to image and NOTHING else? When are we going to learn that masculinity AND femininity are nothing more than a facade? I might hesitate to agree that sometimes we gay men and women causes persons like her to make assumptions about gender. I guess @ the end of the day I can say that she has PERFECTLY characterized what masculinity isn’t…Her take on what a man is about would be funny it weren’t SO scary. This lady has a son AND GOD only knows what he’ll grow to be, I can only hope that he doesn’t try to wear a pink shirt because it is OBVIOUS that his mother is wounded because she thinks that masculinity is something that a man wears. 


  1. I love color, always have and never did give a damn what anyone thought. Dont wear pink because I dont like pink... gimme lotsa violet, purple, yellow, all the rainbow colors... I wear every one, but not all at the same time. :>)~ I was an art student back in the day and nobody ever questioned my sexuality because of my bold use of color. (except me)LOL

    1. I would LOVE to see you in a rainbow colored shirt.

  2. Girl... It's just a color. I could see if it was like, a big floppy Mandingo dick on the front or something. Good golly... If she want's to know your sexual orientation (which is none of her damn bidniss), she should just ask you instead of putting up some "men in pink" preface.


  3. If a man MUST wear clothes, he should be free to wear any color that he wants. A good naturist friend of mine, who is VERY hetero, wears pink all the time. His reason? It looks good against my dark skin and all the women notice me first.

    Does your co-worker wear red? Should you remind her of that stereotype? LOL!

    AS always, great post my blogger brother!




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