¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


A while back ‘Project Runway’ mentor and  new co-host of “The Revolution,” Tim Gunn, dropped jaws everywhere when he revealed that he hasn’t had sex in 29 years….and he’s totally okay with it.  To me what’s fascinating about this revelation is not the self induced celibacy; it’s that Gunn admitted exactly how long it’s been.  

We live in a society where sex and lots of it is everywhere and very much a part of our lives.  From porn websites and politicians, to reality shows and advertisements, sex sells and big time.  So in a world where sex is practically everything, where do you fit in if you aren’t getting any?

Of course not everyone is going without sex for 29 years, but I know people who act like going without it for 2 days is a sign of the apocalypse.  Many people lie about how active, or not, their sex lives really are, no one truly wants to admit that more often than not it’s just them in the bed at night…if that.  For his part Gunn’s decision to refrain from sex was actually a reasonable one, Gunn claims the decision followed a difficult breakup and is partly “psychological.” He cites health, and fear of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS.
According to Gunn:
“Do I feel like less of a person for it? No!” he said. “I am a perfectly happy, fulfilled individual.  I am happy to be healthy and alive, quite frankly.”
But let’s face it, no matter how practical and rational his reason, Gunn is in the minority.  Not too many people are trying to go 6 months without sex, so 29 years??  Yea no.  Most of the time if people go long periods without sex it’s not totally by choice; they probably just haven’t found anyone they find attractive enough to give it up to.  I tip my hat to Gunn because I personally went two years straight without sex in college and let me tell you, there was nothing fun about that right there.  Nothing.
What’s The Longest You’ve Gone Without Sex?


  1. Though not by choice, I was celibate for the final 2 years of my marriage and for 6 years after that until I came out and began to actively seek the company of other men.

    There is a great piece on this topic in "Joy of Gay Sex", which I happened to read just yesterday - "what most discover when they become celibate is a surprising lack of pressure and stress in their life. They feel relieved, relaxed, and capable of being more objective about themselves and their relationship with others. Without the constant need to be sexually desirable, they begin to recognize abilities and values in themselves that may have been overlooked or underrated: charm, a sense of humor, creativity. Work on these areas (free of sexual pressures) can lead to a fuller sense of yourself ..."

    I suppose so, but I never want to go back to the dark and lonely existance I endured while I was finding myself, but maybe I needed to be there in order to become who I am now.

  2. The longest? Hmmm... 25 years. My age. =D

    1. Don't think it is unfortunate and you shouldn't either, your path is different so EMBRACE it!

  3. Real talk: Sex is a luxury, not a necessity. Food, water, shelter, clothing, decent health are necessities. Sex is a sweet bonus. So, whenever I'm not in a relationship or seeing someone seriously, I can & have gone w/out. The longest? Almost two years.


  4. Since becoming sexually active, about a month or so.

  5. Been there done that. I've gone without for 2-3 years (and was actually okay with that). And sometimes, it's just easier with your own hands (and/or toys). :)

  6. SO easy with your own hands @ times.

  7. Ouch... 29 years? I can't go 29 DAYS! No dick? No ass? That's a tough one... Even before I was in a relationship, I had a lil guy on the side. I turn into a complete asshole when I haven't bust in a few days. Not that that makes it okay; but a nigga has needs...


    1. I am trying to remember how long I went without getting any, I know it was NOT 29 years!

    2. but it prolly FELT like 29 yrs...

  8. July 4, 2012 will be 2yrs. I could really go for a good lay, but I've been without this long, I could go on for a while longer. :)

    1. So this was deliberate choice to not have sex in 2 yrs?

  9. Hmm, and here I was thinking I was all alone. Seems I have competition, not that I'm going for a record. Currently a couple of months past 26 years. Do I care after all this time? Yes and No! Eventually you reach a point where not doing it is as much a habit as doing it is. Can't say I am living the positive life with positive attitudes like Tim Gunn says he is because if I did, I would be lying. Have to say I miss human touch or more to the point, the feel of a naked man's body. I also miss a nice piece of manhood in my mouth. We all have our trials and tribulations and I guess this is one of many of mine. Peace.




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