¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Friday, 27 January 2012


…Gives you a sensual and obedient MAN who is in sync with my partner’s erotic dictates. With me no words need to be spoken when intimate with me; I know how to capture and keep my MAN’S imagination. “Sex is good; it’s a creation of GOD and all men are expected to enjoy it.” Hence I exercise my GOD given right to enjoy myself.

Sex with me doesn’t lend itself to prudishness or squeamishness. Sex is not an occasion for shame or embarrassment. With me I intend to teach that sex is deeper than the merely physical; it touches the whole physical and soulish makeup of man; it is psycho-physical. Sex with me involves every part of your life, not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, and volitionally as well. It is this fact that makes the sex drive so powerful.

Sex is a powerful desire to enter into a total union with another personality, to discover the “SECRET" of another, to possess him in the total framework of human experience. In a phrase the URGE to MERGE! Sex with me is such a powerful instinctive drive in human life that you can never ignore it or take it lightly. It is as irresistible as spring. You can never fully understand this strange and powerful drive, and nothing quite so much tortures you and yet delights you as the mystery of SEX WITH ME! One thing therefore is clear: is that SEX is so deeply rooted in our natures that we can never treat it adequately on the physical level. 

SEX WITH ME is much deeper than that. I touch the whole of human makeup in its total experience. It’s all about taking that person to that next level, I firmly believe that you can tell who a man is by how deep and passionately he lets ME F&CK him. I LOVE the way he looks into my eyes and rise from his deep set self-reflection as he sees me in his reflection…reflecting what HE knows is true. SEX WITH ME shows you the undeniable connection between our SOULS…Being inside of you is what you’d LOVE the most. GOD knows that I will F&CK you in every position that both of our bodies can handle…I want to see your body shine by candlelight…as your body continues to heat up in our sweat… I want to see the sexual lust on your face…as you throw your head from side…You don’t have to tell how good I feel, your body shows me that every time it rocks out of control…

SEX WITH ME IS LIKE SEEING THE FACE OF GOD. SEX WITH ME IS BAR NONE. SEX WITH ME IS all pleasure with strings attached. SEX WITH ME is better than having a million bucks. SEX WITH ME is like a monsoon – HOT, WET, WILD, HEAVY & PERIODIC…SEX WITH ME is all BODY, HEART & SOUL…




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