Ever notice how the world suffers from turmoil because of ignorance? Ever notice how big the turmoil is because of the ‘straight’ male obliviousness? Well I’ve seen the turmoil ‘straight’ men cause and it was in full action @ work the other day. There are some guys that wash cars weekly in the parking lot so I decided to get my car washed; and I was pleasantly surprised to see a few minutes later that the person cleaning my car was a female. Upon seeing this, I showed this to a co-worker of mine and IMMEDIATELY his ‘straight’ witlessness came flying through. His reaction was one of disgust with him labeling her a ‘NIGGA BITCH’. He went onto say ‘I bet her girlfriend is a pie and she is wasting her time with a wannabe man instead of getting the real thing.’ Doesn’t he make you think that some men are just lumps of flesh hanging from a dick?
He is the man that has lesbian fantasies, thinking it is HOT for two women to hook up. So why does he fear the nigga bitch? I'll tell you why: because he loves lesbians, as long as they're straight. I realize a straight lesbian is an oxymoron, but what I mean is, he doesn’t mind girls getting drunk and making out with each other, because @ the end of the day, those same girls are still in the market for him. Meaning he thinks he still has a chance to have sex with them. But as this lady who is washing my car removes the ‘do-ability factor’, the hope that he might have a chance @ getting her and her girlfriend in bed disappears. Amazing how such a woman can strike a ‘straight’ man’s ego by showing him she could be more man than he is. How pitiful that he thinks his competition has to have an actual penis and NOT a strap on one.
What will it take for a man like him to understand that it is NOT about him? Is his anger understandable/acceptable? His anger like most things, is a double edged sword; a sword that is used for destructive means. The thoughts in his mind are like those bug lights that are used to keep flies away. He has a closed mind and the mind that is closed, is the mind that traps the bugs of the world to clog the senses of his reasoning. He shows me that it is far easier to occupy oneself throughout life with feeding the desires of the narcissistic imagination than to open the shades of the mind to let the light of reason in. How can he remain tethered to the prison of the clogged mind? Should I tell him that belief is not truth, and his inability to see the lady washing my car as a unique individual is ill-informed? I doubt it would matter because he like most ‘straight’ men LOVE ownership and he takes pride in owning his ‘manhood’ by owning the women of this world. No wonder he is afraid because individuality is out to get him, as the NIGGA BITCH is out to play with his mind.
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