Talk about the decline of a community. For the longest time I had to endure persons that are much older tell me that we here in this community don’t appreciate what they’ve done for us all and how we are just F&CK!NG our way through the community. Now this is interesting for me because I recently watched a program on television that documented the lives of HOMOSEXUALS IN THE 70’s and I my eyes were opened by what I saw. How can WE now be blame for the SEXUAL activities that take place within this community? According to what I saw, it appears that we just tapping into the SEXUAL energy that was born in that era. We met it here and we just took up the torches lit them again and brought the community back to where it was. It’s as if WE ALL are poking each other in the eye and beating our heads on cinderblocks….
JUST ANOTHER DAY IN A STRING OF THOUSANDS…TALK ABOUT ‘GAY LIBERATION’ from the 70’s MEN used their SAME-SEX activity as a way of expressing everything the world didn’t allow them to. It was simply a F&CK for all and did they ever enjoy it; this was the time of pumping disco music, omnipresent moustaches and wild hedonism. This explorative behavior in the community was an EYE-OPENING and SHOCKING event. This was a time when tight short-shorts was in, bulges roamed freely and bedrooms stayed open 24 hours like a made to order all night eatery.
The 70s were the end of a repressed sexual culture and the beginnings of a happier and simpler time. In addition, the only instrument needed for a good time was merely showing up! Men were going at in old abandoned piers and empty meat packing trucks like sex was about to expire. This bit of history made me wonder if this is the reason why gay men today find it difficult to drop the urge to cruise the net for hookups and settle down with a mate. OUR ROOTS LAY IN FREE LOVE AND SEX and that is what we care about, meeting someone and having sex. It was cruise, meet, have sex it is all about free love, free sex. Get it, bust a nut and keep going, even if you happen to get some sort of SEXUAL TRANSMITTED DISEASE you hope to deal with it quickly so you can go on.
Nonetheless, this behavior came with consequences, condoms where unheard of and considered taboo. Even though STD’s ran rampant and few were concerned since ointment or a pill could cure most inconveniences. That was until the new incurable HIV, came onto the scene. Upon the onslaught of AIDS, the energy, which had culminated years of liberty, was now focused on a fight for awareness and a cure. Prevention became the number one priority. It had to be. Loved ones and friends were dying of this new illness. Fortunately, those days of inconsequential loving' have been put to bed. As the clock ticks and the years roll, the only way to play today is safe. In our year of too high a number, we see AIDS reach over 40 million. Today we begin to replace sexual freedom with the reintroduction of conservation being the order of the day. I say that it is sad to be GAY, especially while viewing the fun times of the 70s. Unlike our predecessors, however, we are in the wake of deadly viruses and who knows what else will happen. So as we have to play it safe so we can one day tell our children how wild and crazy those free days of the 2000s were. UNTIL THEN WE HAVE A LONG TO GO TO FIND THAT POT OF GOLD @ RAINBOW’S END.
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