Almost everyone has at least one situation or relationship in which they try to exert control and when this happens it is because our lives tend to makes us feel uncomfortable; and NO one is more uncomfortable in his/her skin like a homosexual. Now couple that with the fact SO many of them try to rationalize their sexuality by seeking answers in the church…How many of you know of a few gay persons that practically live in that place? These men and women spend SO much time a week giving God his time that it almost makes being gay seem easier. But what startles me is the fact that they are going to a place that condemns them for retribution. It is almost as if they don’t consider themselves gay, but men and women that are fulfilling a desire OR a need, that doesn’t constitute an identity of any kind. I guess GOD still wants you as long as you attend man’s version of his house? This place gives these persons a FALSE sense of freedom because they are merely a society that is trying to thrive below the surface…I suppose a closet doesn’t feel as lonely when so many others, gay and straight, are in it, but a double life can AND will lead to conflict sooner OR later NO matter how hard they work on keeping private any deviance from the church’s laws. This way of living is WILD to me because there is NOTHING in the bible that calls out homosexuality. Though it is said that the homosexuals cannot have a healthy psychosexual or social life, I can’t help but disagree with this thought because I know that homosexuals can be just as happy as heterosexuals if we simply don’t pretend to be what others know we are not…So they live and worship by this unwritten code that as long as I come to church and repent each and every time, I will be saved…But if they would take the bible that they use in worship SERIOUSLY, they see AND understand that God emphasized inclusivity, love AND compassion…it is OUR basic HUMAN RIGHTS despite the fact that we are NOT afforded this luxury. I don’t know about you, but I know that there are certain things in this world that cannot change AND homosexuality is one of them. Therefore, the homosexual man OR woman that remains in THE KINGDOM’S CLOSET who SO easily assimilates into the worship community, please know that there are psychological trauma awaiting you as you continue to pull the wool over your eyes…I GET THAT THE DENIAL OF WHO WE ARE SEXUALLY IS NOTHING MORE THAN A SURVIVAL INSTINCT, BUT WE ARE TRYING TO SURVIVE IN THIS WORLD THAT IS DESTROYING US BECAUSE? ISN’T THAT A SIN WITHIN ITSELF TO BAPTIZE YOURSELF & WASH AWAY YOUR IDENTITY TO BE ACCEPTED BY MAN? ALL OF MANKIND IS ONE AUTHOR & THERE ARE VARIOUS VOLUMES TO THE BOOK OF LIFE, SO WHY ALLOW THE SELF APPOINTED FEW THE LUXURY OF REWRITING THE CHAPTERS & TRANSLATING THE BOOK INTO SOMETHING THAT DOESN’T REPRESENT WHO YOU ARE?