I feel that I have been blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life; he is the manifestation of dreams and proves that God really answers a man’s prayer. For as long as I can remember I always felt that there was a part of me that was missing. I would meet a man but I would end right where I was before meeting him…SINGLE! But for some reason I knew deep in the heart of me that I would find someone that wanted me AND the things that I wanted in life. So when God sent me a man all the way from St. Vincent I thought WOW he must really LOVE me. I MEAN WHAT ARE THE ODDS? When I laid eyes on him I knew he was the one, I knew that I was going to LOVE him…what I did NOT know was that my LOVE for him would GROW EVERYDAY! I heard about this LOVE in songs, been told about by others and dreamt of it; but NEVER did I think that it would be like this. I always thought that LOVE was LOVE and that there was this cap OR peak where it was concerned…BOY WAS I WRONG! How can anyone get to a place where they feel that LOVE stops? LOVE is like life; it keeps GROWING and CHANGING every second of everyday. And because LOVE is INFINITE, I get to hold him every night, seeing him everyday AND taking him in everyway and I know that I will NEVER have enough of him. NO matter what I am doing with my life, I will do it out of AND for the sake of LOVE that I have for him. For LOVE is the source of all miracles. It is NOT a passive thing; it is active force. It is NOT just some kind of a mushy feeling; it is a POWERFUL vibration that MUST be consciously practiced. IT HAS LONG BEEN SAID THAT LOVE IS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE. IT IS EVERYWHERE; IN A LOOK, A TOUCH & IN OUR EVERY BREATH. INFINITE LOVE IS THAT WHICH BRINGS A SENSE OF ALIVENESS IN OUR SOULS & GIVES THE HEART A SENSE OF PURPOSE…
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