¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Saturday, 03 May 2008


As I sit on the cusp of my twenties and BOLDLY invite my thirties to take me on, I try to take myself back to the day before I was born; I wonder what it was like to be a soul without a body. This life has been a MYSTERY from birth AND will continue to be. I just THANK God that he brought me thus far AND that I get to carry on. I got another decade to occupy this space on this planet with a fullness that is beyond my wildest dreams. I have come to realize that I better enjoy my time because soon enough I will be back where I started…just a twinkle in God’s eye. As time marches on, I am more AND more in alignment with my purpose and NO longer analyzing my path. FOR I AM THE MAN THAT I WAS WAITING FOR…I FOUND THAT THE PAST DECADE HAS SHOWN ME THAT I AM ALL THAT I COULD EVER NEED. IT IS NOT ABOUT LOOKS OR MATERIAL THINGS; IT IS ABOUT BEING DOWN-TO-EARTH & CARING. IT IS ABOUT LOVING MANKIND & BEING TRUE TO MYSELF. IT IS ABOUT GIVING A BIG HUG TO MY 20’S & SAYING HELLO TO MY NEW BEGINNING IN MY 30’S…
He is the beginning, so do not worry about the end.
He is the creator, so do not wonder who will destroy.
He has forgiven me, so I have forgiven myself.
He is my healer, so I do not speak of sickness.
He makes life possible, so why shouldn’t I live?
He protects me, so I do not have fear.
He will supply all my needs, so I can wait.
He is my strength and my salvation, so I do not feel weak.
He is the right way, so I will not go the wrong way.
He is the light, so I will forget the dark.
He allows me to walk, so I do not worry about the flesh.
He has a plan for me, so I will accept it.
He promises me today, so I will take it…

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