¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!
Monday, 31 March 2008
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Friday, 28 March 2008
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
REDUCING A CARBON FOOTPRINT - The carbon footprint can be efficiently and effectively reduced by applying the following steps:
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to accurately determine the current carbon footprint.
Identification of hot-spots in terms of energy consumption and associated CO2-emissions.
Optimisation of energy efficiency and, thus, reduction of CO2-emissions and reduction of other GHG emissions contributed from production processes.
Identification of solutions to neutralise the CO2 emissions that cannot be eliminated by energy saving measures.
The last step includes carbon offsetting; investment in projects that aim at the reducing CO2 emissions, for instance biofuels or tree planting activities.
How about we REDUCE the energy usage in OUR homes by:
- Reduce the use of electrical appliances.
- When replacing appliances, try to buy appliances which use less power and have a good energy rating.
- Turn things off when not in use.
- Replace standard light bulbs with their low energy equivalents.
HOW ABOUT GOING GREEN? It is said that GREEN is a combination of the colors yellow and blue, each of which brings its own unique energy to the overall feeling of the color green. Blue exudes calm and peace, while yellow radiates liveliness and high levels of energy. As a marriage between these two very different colors, GREEN is a unifier of opposites, offering both the excitement of yellow and the tranquility of blue. It energizes blue’s passivity and soothes yellow’s intensity, inspiring us to be both active and peaceful at the same time. It is a mainstay of the seasons of spring and summer, thus symbolizing birth and growth. GREEN balances our energy so that, in looking at it, we feel confident that growth is inevitable. It also gives us the energy to contribute to the process of growth, to nurture ourselves appropriately, without becoming overly attached to our part in the process. GREEN reminds us to let go and let nature do her work, while at the same time giving us the energy to do our own.
Monday, 24 March 2008
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Friday, 21 March 2008
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
- SO LET’S START WITH THE FAMILY – Understanding the concept of RELATIONSHIPS should start from the home, in this event one can fully examine AND recognize how they relate to world AND it to them. I find that the foundation of one’s home should be the STRONGEST of any RELATIONSHIP. A stable family RELATIONSHIP unifies the community AND make for an unyielding society. Nonetheless, today’s society family RELATIONSHIP leaves A LOT to be desired. The breakdown of the family is a TRAGEDY, one has to look @ the VIOLENCE and PAIN that strikes us every single day and take note of how the one RELATIONSHIP that should be in tact is NOT! For far too long we have been looking beyond the problem AND carry on with lives that should make one hang his head in shame, but that is far from where we are…SO FAR! The quality of the RELATIONSHIP between MOTHER, FATHER, SISTER, BROTHER, AUNT, UNCLE, COUSINS & GRANDPARENTS have a real impact on the RELATIONSHIP of the family.
- IN THE COMMUNITY – There are many RELATIONSHIPS that are affected by the breakdown of the family and these have long-term AND dire effects. Poverty and homelessness is a HUGE draw back of this fact. Research has found that the family break up is cited as one of the critical causes of poverty. Within the school structure there are a number of social ills that plague the system and they range from ASSERTIVENESS, SELF ESTEEM, SEX, STRESS & CONFLICT. There seems to be NO peer listening schemes that are aimed to get the children involved in getting on better and improving their RELATIONSHIPS with one another. HOW CAN THIS BE FIXED? FIRST WE NEED TO GET TO THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM & FIX THE RELATIONSHIP THAT WAS DESTROYED FROM THE BEGINNING. The prison system will FOREVER be what it is because NO one cares AND there is no REAL rehabilitative method in place. Moreover, NO one seems to care. SO WHO IS THE BLAME FOR THIS? If only we could build a programme that links with the community AND foster the empowerment of the family RELATIONSHIP that is in the best interest of all. HOWEVER, I BELIEVE THAT RELATIONSHIP SKILLS CAN BE LEARNT & IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO FIX THINGS.
- LET’S GET INTIMATE – When we first fall in love we spend as much time that our physicality allows. Time together is, to a RELATIONSHIP, what water is, to a plant. It's how a relationship is nurtured and cared for. It's the stuff that makes it stronger AND helps it to grow. It is FAIR to assume that life is about give AND take, so an intimate RELATIONSHIP should not be any different. HOWEVER IT IS! As children many of us did NOT learn this concept AND this presents the problem. I find that there are a lot of UNHEALTHY elements within REALATIONS that boarder on DISRESPECT, CONTROL & ABUSE. Though many of this created mostly out of physicality, the majority of it is emotional. The STRANGE thing about this is that most of us grew up around this kind of behavior and it can almost seem normal or not…& IT IS NOT! Qualities like kindness AND respect are absolute requirements for an intimate RELATIONSHIP. Think about this, HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED THAT MOST INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS DO NOT LAST VERY LONG? Yes intimate RELATIONSHIPS can be one of the best AND most challenging part of our world it is this way because it is the MOST the important as it reflects how we are as adults.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
- Bad breath and stained teeth
- Bad smell in clothes and hair and on skin
- Lower athletic ability
- Cough and sore throat
- Faster heartbeat and raised blood pressure
- Risk of second-hand smoke to people around you
- Cost of smoking
iii) Long-term reasons to stop
- Toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke
- Risk of lung cancer and many other types of cancer
- Risk of heart disease
- Serious breathing problems
- Time lost working or having fun because you're sick Wrinkles
- Risk of stomach ulcers and acid reflux
- Risk of gum disease
- Risk of damage to babies of pregnant women who smoke
- Setting a bad example for your children
iv) How can I stop smoking? You'll have the best chance of stopping if you do the following:
- Get ready.
- Get support and encouragement.
- Learn how to handle stress and the urge to smoke.
- Get medication and use it correctly.
- Be prepared for relapse.
- Keep trying.
v) How should I get ready to stop smoking? Set a stop date 2 to 4 weeks from now so you'll have time to get ready. Write down your personal reasons for stopping. Be specific. Keep your list with you so you can look at it when you feel the urge to smoke. To help you understand your smoking habit, keep a diary of when and why you smoke. Using information from this diary, you and your doctor can make a plan to deal with the things that make you want to smoke. Just before your stop date, get rid of all of your cigarettes, matches, lighters and ashtrays.
vi) How can I get support and encouragement? Tell your family and friends what kind of help you need. Their support will make it easier for you to stop smoking. Also, ask your family doctor to help you develop a plan for stopping smoking. Your doctor can also recommend a stop-smoking program. These programs are often held at local hospitals or health centers. Give yourself rewards for stopping smoking. For example, with the money you save by not smoking, buy yourself something special.
vii) What about stress and my urges to smoke? You may have a habit of using cigarettes to relax during stressful times. Luckily, there are good ways to manage stress without smoking. Relax by taking a hot bath, going for a walk, or breathing slowly and deeply. Think of changes in your daily routine that will help you resist the urge to smoke. For example, if you used to smoke when you drank coffee, drink hot tea instead.
viii) What will happen when I stop smoking? How you feel when you stop depends on how much you smoked, how addicted your body is to nicotine and how well you get ready to stop smoking. You may crave a cigarette or feel hungrier than usual. You may feel edgy and have trouble concentrating. You also may cough more at first, and you may have headaches. These things happen because your body is used to nicotine. They are called nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms are strongest during the first few days after you stop smoking, but most go away within a few weeks.
ix) What about nicotine replacement products or medicine to help me stop smoking? Nicotine replacement products are ways to take in nicotine without smoking. These products come in several forms: gum, patch, nasal spray, inhaler and lozenge. You can buy the nicotine gum, patch and lozenge without a prescription from your doctor. Nicotine replacement works by lessening your body’s craving for nicotine and reducing withdrawal symptoms. This lets you focus on the changes you need to make in your habits and environment. Once you feel more confident as a nonsmoker, dealing with your nicotine addiction is easier.
x) Prescription medicines such as bupropion SR (one brand name: Zyban) and varenicline (brand name: Chantix) helps some people stop smoking. These medicines do not contain nicotine, but help you resist your urges to smoke. Talk to your doctor about which of these products is likely to give you the best chance of success. For any of these products to work, you must carefully follow the directions on the package. It's very important that you don't smoke while using nicotine replacement products.
xi) Will I gain weight when I stop smoking? Most people gain a few pounds after they stop smoking. Remember that any weight gain is a minor health risk compared to the risks of smoking. Dieting while you're trying to stop smoking will cause unnecessary stress. Instead, limit your weight gain by having healthy, low-fat snacks on hand and being physically active.
xii) What if I smoke again? Don't feel like a failure. Think about why you smoked and what you can do to keep from smoking again. Set a new stop date. Many ex-smokers did not succeed at first, but they kept trying. The first few days after stopping will probably be the hardest. Just remember that even one puff on a cigarette can cause a relapse, so don't risk it.
Monday, 17 March 2008
¿HOW’D THEY DO THAT? Kinsey and his associates used personal interviews to gather data about sexual activity from individuals. By making use of an encrypted recording system, Kinsey was able to assure his interviewees the utmost confidentiality. As such, the results of his interviews are considered accurate. Acting on traditions long-held in the school of taxonomy, Kinsey shunned the idea of fixed, static categories of orientation and instead adopted a seven-point scale. The scale started with zero, representing exclusive heterosexuality, reached midpoint at three, representing bisexuality, and ended at six, representing exclusive homosexuality.
¿WHAT’D THEY FIND? Perhaps the most fascinating of his findings were his studies regarding sexual orientation. According to Kinsey, nearly 46% of the male population engaged in both hetero- and homosexual acts during their lives. Kinsey's findings also suggest that orientation can change over time. For example, though many cite Kinsey's data to argue that 10% of the population is gay, Kinsey in fact stated that during early post-puberty 10% of males were more homosexual than heterosexual.
¿SO NOW WHAT? So now we know two important things: almost half of the male population will engage in sexual acts involving both sexes; and sexuality can change over time. How do these simple facts (I would stress the word facts here) play in the current debate over homosexuality? First off, with regards to the debate over ethics the question seems already answered. Almost half of our male population will engage in a same-sex activity. How can such a common and normal activity be unethical? Ethics in our society has largely been a question of normality. In the 50's it was considered abnormal to be a Communist, as a result other abnormalities which were (and still are) considered unethical, like pedophilia, were lumped into the same category as Communism (Kinsey himself was tagged for investigation by the FBI and denounced as a Communist) n7 and n8. So, homosexual acts are perfectly normal.
YEAH, BUT…Yet, it is possible for something to be normal and unethical, right? For example, stealing might be considered normal, statistically speaking, yet is mostly considered unethical. How then, to approach the question of sexuality's normality? Kinsey's data reaches across many economic, demographic, and social strata. He interviewed prisoners, prostitutes, doctors, and lawyers alike. Even with the data of presupposed (and prejudged) abnormal people removed, the percentage of the male population engaging in at least one same-sex experience to orgasm remains at 37%. As such, the data of people regarded as "normal" members of society supports the 37% figure. Clearly then, since almost four tenths of normal (and thus approved) members of society engage in homosexual activities, the activities are normal, and thus are not unethical. Secondly, since sexuality can change over time, the right's "confused teen" argument is silly. Many who oppose homosexuality argue that many teenagers who express homo- or bisexual tendencies are merely "confused," likely a result of unstable homes and loose morals. Often cited are teens who once claimed a specific orientation and now are different. Guess what folks, that's normal and the entire debate is flawed. Kinsey found that only 4% of white males were exclusively homosexual from the time of their adolescence to their interview. That figure suggests exclusive homosexuality is, statistically, abnormal. As of now I am unable to find the figures for exclusive heterosexuality, but similar results may be expected. The majority of results fell within the bounds of zero and six, suggesting that sexuality is much more fluid than commonly believed. This data entirely dismantles any biological arguments conservatives or others may advocate for the unfavorable treatment of "gays." Yes, you're right; it takes a man and a woman to procreate. Guess what, sex is more than one night of fun and eighteen years of (potentially rewarding) hell.