Hello,I'm French from the French Caribbean , and I'd like to correct a few mistakes you've made. 1. We say Dimanche de Pâques; 2. We don't say "Il s'est levé", but "Il est ressuscité!", which is the French for "He is risen!" and 3 the correct sentence is: "Etendez-Le pour qu'Il Se repose". However I appreciate the efforts you've made to write a little French which is a very intricate language!!Thanks a lot.
Hello,I'm French from the French Caribbean , and I'd like to correct a few mistakes you've made. 1. We say Dimanche de Pâques; 2. We don't say "Il s'est levé", but "Il est ressuscité!", which is the French for "He is risen!" and 3 the correct sentence is: "Etendez-Le pour qu'Il Se repose". However I appreciate the efforts you've made to write a little French which is a very intricate language!!Thanks a lot.