¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Friday, 12 October 2007


THANKS FOR THE FRAGMENTS OF YOU…Sometimes it feels as if I have you living inside of me, expressing yourself in a voice that is so familiar. When life expresses the difficult times and I need clarity, I can ALWAYS count on you to be the voice of REASON and UNDERSTANDING. You make me realize that as I move forward amidst CONFUSION, DOUBTS and CONCERNS; that they only linger in my psyche because they have NOT been FULLY EXPRESSED and EXAMINED. Thanks to you I can handle the dilemma consciously and make connection between my PSYCHE and SOUL by summoning the MANY fragments of YOU that make ME whole. Thanks to you I am on a FRUITFUL PATH of SELF-EXPLORATION which ultimately increases ME and those that I am associated with. Because of YOU I can imagine a roundtable in which I gather all the various representatives of MY being, allowing them to name themselves and giving them a chance to speak. I know that I can take JOY in this because you make it OKAY for me to be ME, I can allow each part of my being the opportunity to weigh in, fully expressing the perspective they represent, and listen without comment. I will just SIT, LISTEN and be AMAZED at the WISDOM and ENERGY I POSSESS, ALL BECAUSE OF THE FRAGMENTS OF YOU. HAPPY B-DAY HORATIO & IT IS BECAUSE OF YOU I AM BETTER HUMAN THAT IS ABLE TO MOVE THROUGH THE UNIVERSE AS THE FORCE THAT I AM MEANT TO BE.

1 comment:

  1. earth brother, friend… beautiful piece of my spirit…thank you for allowing me to be an agent of the universe as i download all of the attributes, strengths and power that you have sourced from within…it was amazing to watch you meet yourself over the years…your evolution can be attributed solely to that power source (that light within you…) that fought to illuminate your ‘darkness’… it was there all along …now that you are a light within…you must accept that others will seek this illumination…acknowledge this humbly and without judgment because the best of you has yet to come, yours is a mission of service…this is life’s work…our collective and sole purpose for being here…keep your chakras open…continue to balance and work with each one, embody love, change nothing and remain fearless – for fear is but an illusion…an abstract notion…i love you! thank you! HORATIO




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