¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Sunday, 05 August 2012


An agenda leaving out important truths, and affecting others adversely, is filled with the spin of deception, or in other words ‘lies’; spinning the truth that is really not the truth, is ‘karmic’, and has consequences for those unquestioning for the seeking of the whole ‘truth’. The consequences of such action may be less impactful on society than say a government that ‘creates a ‘Hollywood illusion’ for a national threat that is, frankly filled with suppositions covering ill intentions. 
Case in point, when a husband who tells his wife what she wants to hear with any covert excuse to himself why he is not being truthful, is showing conditional, low level love covering up deception, and reasons for lack of trust. One lie require another, and another lie to cover up the original one, until you’ve painted yourself in a corner with potential consequences of being exposed, not to mention the hidden effect of what the lies had on you, and another’s behavior.
Life has become more of a fantasy than ever before somewhat do to the complexity of everyday living, and the infinite choices, from the deceptions in food, medical/pharmaceutical cures, insurance, investments, news media, weight loss programs, religion, technological advances and gadgets, the list seems endless. Where ever you look, if something isn’t complex to understand, it’s filled with omissions to convince you what you want to hear, regardless of the ‘truths’. 

The ‘road most traveled’ is overflowing with people ‘gridlocked’ in their minds and hearts. Easy answers are ‘peddled’ by career/corporate types to support their houses, cars, entertainment, traveling, and any new ‘pleasers’ the shysters can pawn off onto the ‘gluttonous in denial’. The ‘road to hell’ is ‘here and now’ today for those not in their hearts and awareness. The ‘ultimate omission of deception’ is to become identified with the many masks that you wear to avoid what’s really inside that is likely layered with masks avoiding the letting go of the pasts suppressed concepts, precepts, and turmoils. Reach out, but reach in first and drop the facade. Go underground to bring up the divine pearls of who you really are. Seek the real substance within. 


  1. ..aint it more like

    ..."creates a ‘Hollywood illusion’ for a national threat that is, frankly filled with SUPPOSITORIES covering ill intentions"

    ...so we can just take it up the ass and not really feel a thing?

  2. LOL, I was trying to be nice.

  3. I always thought "oversight" was the polite bureaucratic way of saying "I f**ked up!" Cool pill, my friend! :)

    1. It is sir and I think we all should take the pill once a month.




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