Everyone is a ‘mirror’ to you whether
it is a ‘boss’, someone on the
street, or a loved one. No one rises to the top of any game without criticism,
especially if they let go of the ‘shield of the ego’, and actively invite
viewpoints in. Consider which criticisms might be valuable to incorporate into
who you are in your daily life. None of us have eyes outside of ourselves, but
depend on others reactions/responses. One who sees himself as others do is
rising in consciousness within themselves.
Be open, and invite others to comment and critique you. Let the ‘walls’ down so that you can grow into the possibilities that await you. See who you are from different viewpoints. Always consider who the source of ‘critiques’ is. Many people lack credibility even in their own lives, and perhaps they misjudge, and/or do not know you well enough. Then again, never under estimate the value of anyone’s viewpoint even if they have a lot of specs in their own eyes. Know who you appear to be through others eyes, and be open to acknowledging it to others but with judiciousness, and humbleness if necessary.
Be open, and invite others to comment and critique you. Let the ‘walls’ down so that you can grow into the possibilities that await you. See who you are from different viewpoints. Always consider who the source of ‘critiques’ is. Many people lack credibility even in their own lives, and perhaps they misjudge, and/or do not know you well enough. Then again, never under estimate the value of anyone’s viewpoint even if they have a lot of specs in their own eyes. Know who you appear to be through others eyes, and be open to acknowledging it to others but with judiciousness, and humbleness if necessary.
Most people, consciously or unconsciously, seek to avoid anyone who challenges them, particularly where they have faults. Many will go through their whole lives avoiding any challenge to what they perceive as their short comings. In many instances, I’ve found people who have little or no idea how they come across to others in a negative way because others are not comfortable in saying anything. Closing yourself off to valid criticism shuts you down for all spiritual development. Some compensate for aberrations by being good in other areas in hopes that it will make up for others avoiding ‘calling them out’. Isn’t it better, and healthier to develop in all ways if possible?’
Changing the outer to be in synchronicity with those who are fairly centered, and ‘bad habit free’ is advisable as a step in looking at who you really are on the inside. Whether changing the ‘outer’ to facilitate changing the inner, or changing the inner to see changes that need to be made in one’s whole outer world to be a more healthy, conscious, spiritual being, it’s the positive way to be, both for yourself, those close to you, and as an inspiration to those who you encounter. We all need inspiration! Make yourself an inspiration both on the outer and inner by being open to the voice of others to help your own. A more growing, evolving conscious world begins with an awake and loving you! Have the courage to change and adapt! Match up inner space and outer space!
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