This week on Drag Race we are left with lucky 7. The mini
challenge this week was about reading, because it is what?
REALLY embarrassing if they aren’t good. Like Phi Phi, oh girl.
It was just painful. After a pretty painful library session, Latrice was
named the winner and got to chose who gets what magazine. Oh yes, the challenge
this week was to created your own Dragazine. It wasone of the weakest and
lamest challenges I’ve ever seen on this show. What the heck does this have to
do with being a Drag Superstar? So random. Anyway, it was all pretty weak so
let’s just talk about the drama. Jiggly got health & fitness (shady Latrice
heh) and everyone told her to do funny…except Phi Phi who told her to do it
seriously if she believes in it.
SHADY. SHADY SHADY SHADY! And completely amazing, and she
didn’t say ANYTHING wrong in my opinion she just agreed with what Jiggly wanted
to do. Haha you fucking shady bitch I love it, it was awesome. The photo shoot
was very much like the autobiography challenge in season 2. I just really
REALLY wasn’t feeling it…what I WAS feeling was the absolute GORGEOUS
photographer. Honestly WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE! (Tweet me @TommyD)
On the runway we saw some cute
looks, Phi Phi turned out an AMAZING look: great makeup and the best cover and
was named the winner, with Sharon a close second. The rest
didn’t fare so well. Latrice got clocked for her heavy gown, Dida got clocked
for her hair again (which I thought was lovely), Chad got clocked for her bad
cover, and Willam got clocked for his beard…again. Poor Willam, I just don’t
know why his beard keeps poking through, and his cover was one of the worst. He
was in the bottom with surprise surprise…Jiggly. Jiggly is just not suited for
this show and has skated by on the success of the groups she’s been in and
people she has been partnered up with. Now while Willam may
not be the best performer (he is an actor after all…not a showgirl) it was time
for Jiggly to go and she finally got the boot.
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