¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
For African American adults, perceived racism may cause
mental health symptoms similar to trauma and could lead to some physical health
disparities between blacks and other populations in the United States,
according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association.
Compelling evidence indicate that race and ethnicity
correlate with persistent, and often increasing, health disparities among U.S.
populations in all these categories and demands national attention. Because
racial and ethnic minority groups are expected to comprise an increasingly
larger proportion of the U.S. population in coming years, the future health of
America will be greatly influenced by our success in improving the health of
these groups.
Despite great improvements in the overall health of the nation,
Americans who are members of racial and ethnic minority groups are more likely
than whites to have poor health and to die prematurely. These
disparities are believed to be the results of the complex interaction among
genetic variations, environmental factors, and specific health behaviors.
An examination of 66 previous studies that included more than
18,000 black adults concluded that there are common responses to both racism
and trauma, including somatization (psychological distress that is expressed as
physical pain), interpersonal sensitivity and anxiety. The more stressful the
racism, the more likely a person was to report mental distress.
The researchers suggested that the link between mental health
and racism could contribute to physical health disparities between blacks and
other Americans of different races and ethnicities.
The relationship between perceived racism and self-reported
depression and anxiety is quite robust, providing a reminder that experiences
of racism may play an important role in the health disparities phenomenon. For
example, African Americans have higher rates of hypertension [high blood
pressure], a serious condition that has been associated with stress and
The study's authors noted that therapists should routinely
assess their black patients' experiences with racism during treatment.
Black History Month is a month set aside to learn, honor, and
celebrate the achievements of black men and women throughout history. Since its
inception, Black History Month has always been celebrated in February. Find out
how Black History Month originated, why February was chosen, and what the
annual theme for Black History Month is for this year.
Origins of Black History Month
The origins of Black History Month can be traced back to a
man named Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950). Woodson, the son of former slaves, was
an amazing man in his own right. Since his family was too poor to send him to
school as a child, he taught himself the basics of a school education. At age
20, Woodson was finally able to attend high school, which he completed in just
two years.
He then went on to earn a bachelor's and master's degree from
the University of Chicago. In 1912, Woodson became only the second African
American to earn a doctorate from Harvard University (W.E.B. Du Bois was the
first). Woodson used his hard-earned education to teach. He taught both in
public schools and at Howard University.
Three years after earning his doctorate, Woodson made a trip
that had a great impact on him. In 1915, he traveled to Chicago to participate
in a three-week celebration of the 50th anniversary of the end of slavery. The
excitement and enthusiasm generated by the events inspired Woodson to continue
the study of black history year-round. Before leaving Chicago, Woodson and four
others created the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH)
on September 9, 1915. The following year, the ASNLH began publication of the Journal
of Negro History.
Woodson realized that most textbooks at the time ignored the
history and achievements of blacks. Thus, in addition to the journal, he wanted
to find a way to encourage interest and study of black history. In 1926,
Woodson promoted the idea of a "Negro History Week," which was to be
held during the second week of February. The idea caught on quickly and Negro
History Week was soon celebrated around the United States. With a high demand
for study materials, the ASNLH began to produce pictures, posters, and lesson
plans to help teachers bring Negro History Week into schools. In 1937, the
ASNLH also began producing the Negro History Bulletin, which focused on an
annual theme for Negro History Week.
In 1976, the 50th anniversary of the beginning of Negro
History Week and the bicentennial of the United States' independence, Black
History Week was expanded to Black History Month. Ever since then, Black
History Month has been celebrated in February around the country.
When Is Black History Month?
Woodson chose the second week of February to celebrate Negro
History Week because that week included the birthdays of two important men:
President Abraham Lincoln (February 12) and Frederick Douglass (February 14).
When Negro History Week turned into Black History Month in 1976, the
celebrations during the second week of February expanded to the entire month of
What Is the Theme for This Year's Black History Month?
Since its inception in 1926, Negro History Week and Black
History Month have been given annual themes. The first annual theme was simply, "The
Negro in History," but since then the themes have grown more specific.
Here is a list of the most current and future themes for Black History Month.
2005 - The Niagara Movement: Black Protest Reborn,
2006 - Celebrating Community: A Tribute to Black
Fraternal, Social, and Civic Institutions
2007 - From Slavery to Freedom: Africans in the Americas
2008 - Carter G. Woodson and the Origins of
2009 - The Quest for Black Citizenship in the Americas
2010 - The History of Black Economic Empowerment
2011 - African Americans and the Civil War
2012 - Black Women in American Culture and History
Monday, 27 February 2012
Ever been out with a group of gay friends trying to decide
where to eat, what movie to see or where to go and there's one guy in the group
who's being uncooperative just because he can?
Well, research say it's not his fault— testosterone made him do it!
"Testosterone makes us overvalue our own opinions at the expense of cooperation," says ScienceDaily.com, citing research from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London.
Well, research say it's not his fault— testosterone made him do it!
"Testosterone makes us overvalue our own opinions at the expense of cooperation," says ScienceDaily.com, citing research from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London.
Dr Nick Wright and his co-authors tested 17 pairs of female
volunteers that had never met prior to the study. On day one they were given
testosterone supplements and a placebo the next. The women were then asked to
pair up and decide on a targets in an imaging game. The study wanted to measure
how cooperative the pairs were under the influence of the hormone. Note: Dr.
Wright used females for the study since dosing males with testosterone actually
decreases the body's production.
While pairs that came to a consensus did better than individuals overall, the testosterone pumped subjects were all about their own opinions first.
Dr. Wright found that testosterone made the participants much less cooperative in the group setting and far more egotistical than before.
"Cooperating with others has obvious advantages for sharing skills and experience, but we know it doesn't always work, particularly if one alpha male or alpha female dominates the decision making. This result helps us understand at a hormonal level the factors that can disrupt our attempts to work together," says Head of Neuroscience and Mental Health at The Wellcome Trust Dr John Williams.
While this particular study finds a link between testosterone and egotism, looks into the effects of testosterone have been going on for some time. In the past testosterone studies have been used to try and figure out why gay men like rubbing on other guys.
Early gay cure treatment doctors often injected patients with testosterone since it was thought lack of the hormone was the cause of same-sex attraction. This led to "twin studies" which looked at the effect hormones levels, specifically testosterone, had on twins. It was thought that as the twins battle each other in the womb for mama's nutrients, one could starve the other of testosterone. Low testosterone is associated with less masculism.
While pairs that came to a consensus did better than individuals overall, the testosterone pumped subjects were all about their own opinions first.
Dr. Wright found that testosterone made the participants much less cooperative in the group setting and far more egotistical than before.
"Cooperating with others has obvious advantages for sharing skills and experience, but we know it doesn't always work, particularly if one alpha male or alpha female dominates the decision making. This result helps us understand at a hormonal level the factors that can disrupt our attempts to work together," says Head of Neuroscience and Mental Health at The Wellcome Trust Dr John Williams.
While this particular study finds a link between testosterone and egotism, looks into the effects of testosterone have been going on for some time. In the past testosterone studies have been used to try and figure out why gay men like rubbing on other guys.
Early gay cure treatment doctors often injected patients with testosterone since it was thought lack of the hormone was the cause of same-sex attraction. This led to "twin studies" which looked at the effect hormones levels, specifically testosterone, had on twins. It was thought that as the twins battle each other in the womb for mama's nutrients, one could starve the other of testosterone. Low testosterone is associated with less masculism.
To anti-gay, especially ex-gay therapy groups, these findings
are gold nuggets of information. Organizations like NARTH often cite twin
studies in attempts to prove that men are born gay. However, their theories
neglect one key observation: little is known about the effect of masculism on
sexuality. It's only assumed that a gay man is less masculine and by default
has less testosterone. NARTH has obviously never been to New York Sports Club.
The testosterone trails continued in a more recent 2005 Oregon State University study that sought answers to why 8 percent of rams in Australia, so called "shy breeders," wouldn't mate. The controversial study says it found a region of the brain that was twice as large in heterosexual rams than gay ones. The gay rams also had lower levels of an enzyme that triggers testosterone production.
Could there be a hormonal link to homosexuality?
Much like either side of the nature versus nurture debate, the study never got legs. Why? When it comes to the brain, science isn't sure what comes first: the chicken or the egg. Meaning, regions of the brain influence behavior, but behavior can also change the size of a region. So, did the lack of interest in females shrink the ram's thinker or did the smaller region make him turn his nose?
The debate will linger on as it's been for many decades. Until then, the next time you go to order and your friend ends up being the complicated order, show some compassion. His hormones made him do it.
The testosterone trails continued in a more recent 2005 Oregon State University study that sought answers to why 8 percent of rams in Australia, so called "shy breeders," wouldn't mate. The controversial study says it found a region of the brain that was twice as large in heterosexual rams than gay ones. The gay rams also had lower levels of an enzyme that triggers testosterone production.
Could there be a hormonal link to homosexuality?
Much like either side of the nature versus nurture debate, the study never got legs. Why? When it comes to the brain, science isn't sure what comes first: the chicken or the egg. Meaning, regions of the brain influence behavior, but behavior can also change the size of a region. So, did the lack of interest in females shrink the ram's thinker or did the smaller region make him turn his nose?
The debate will linger on as it's been for many decades. Until then, the next time you go to order and your friend ends up being the complicated order, show some compassion. His hormones made him do it.
The whole episode this week had to do with getting locked up,
which was funny because Latrice actually was in the slammer. The mini challenge
this week the queens had to pair up, get handcuffed and do each
other’s faces for the mugshot. It was fabulous! Latrice and Milan did this
amazing boobs out teeth missing thing, but it was Willam and Madame
LaQueer who won…which I didn’t get. The blue paint or something. Whatever, Ru
makes weird decisions.
Onto the main challenge. Show creator Max Mutchnick was
the guest judge. The queen were split up into two groups and had to act out a
scene from a sitcome. Each had a specific gag, Team Willam had jokes about nuts
(like balls) and Team LaQueer had jokes about beavers (like vaginas). Get it?
On team LaQueer, Dida shone like crazy. she was absolutely incredible. But it
wasLatrice Royale from team Willam stole the entire episode. Someone needs
to snatch her up and put her on tv. She was SO funny as Large Marge I
was DYING! She was clearly the winner already.
At runway, Ru, Michelle, BillyB were joined by
Max and funny woman Nicole Sullivan. Ru looked lovely once again
and the queens had to represent what they would wear on a red carpet. Sharon
was hilarious and took it totally in a different direction dressing like a famous
old lady. brilliant. Team Willam won and LATRICE ROYALE took home the top prize
this week. Absolutely DESERVED! No one could touch her. The bottom two this
week were Milan and Madame LaQueer, which is
surprising since Milan is a trained actor…hmmm? The lipsync was to TROUBLE by
PINK, and dresses came off, wigs came off this and that. Milan really was lip
syncing for her life, but you know me. Keep you shoes and your hair on. I just
think it’s so cheap. However Milan was better than LaQueer and got to stay. Bye
Bye LaQueer, it was definitely time for you to go.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Once upon a time there was a sea turtle and a wolf who became
friends. Now you might think that these are two animals who wouldn't have much
to do with each other. And you'd be right. One was a plodding, oddly-shaped
ocean dweller, while the other was a sleek predator who prowled the forests for
unwary deer. Their friendship began when the wolf was out hunting and saw the
turtle sunning himself on the beach. The turtle looked rather unappetizing, so
there was never any real thought of eating him. Nonetheless, the wolf was
curious about this curious creature. And vice versa. The two got to talking and
the turtle told the wolf about an island not too far offshore that was filled
with delicious animals just waiting to be eaten. Needless to say, the story got
the wolf's attention. A deal was quickly struck in which the turtle would ferry
the wolf to the island every day in exchange for a portion of whatever the wolf
killed. This arrangement worked out quite well. Many years went by and both
animals got fat and happy. But there came a time when the wolf decided he
didn't need the turtle anymore and could swim to the island on his own. After
all, he'd been watching the turtle make the daily journey for a long time and
it certainly didn't look very hard. But it was. Not long after the wolf jumped
into the ocean, he was quickly overcome by the relentless waves and fierce
undertow. He struggled and howled, but to no avail. The proud wolf sank to the
floor of the sea where his body was quickly engulfed by a swarm of bottom-feeding
crabs. His last thought was, "I
wonder if it's too late to work with the turtle?" The moral of the story? Stick
with the program or be stuck with bottom-feeding crabs.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
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