Walking around in a supermarket of 2011 pushing a shopping
cart, not being able to make up your mind for what you want is like most people ‘in life’. Worse yet, is not
recognizing the highest quality of food even if you knew. Most look for outer
quality and packaging. Nothing could be more misleading concerning ‘healthy quality’. If you don’t know
what you’re looking for and who you are, is synonymous with going to a
supermarket, rolling the empty cart through the aisles disoriented.
Life gives back what you look for in yourself in all aspects.
If you live in positive consistency, life reflects that back. On the
other hand, in relationships, those who look for love from another, rarely get
what their instincts want to find. Two people’ not knowing who they are beneath
their outer veneer, are entering a ‘dark,
hopeless tunnel of love’ that feels good until they lose each other in
the darkness of not knowing either themselves or the other.
Today there are ‘mega
supermarkets’ where if two people going in together don’t have a
connection, they will find themselves lost from each other. So it is in
this active life, where if you don’t tune in to feeling a consistent love with
yourself, it’s impossible to find it in another even if you are eyeball to
eyeball. In 2012 take time to softly look into a stranger’s eye and you will
likely see a shallow, mood changing, self critical person incapable of opening
their heart with no expectation in return.
Going into a supermarket, it’s easy to find 100’s of
attractive things, particularly on an empty stomach. The ‘non-discerning’ have
many opportunities, but usually of low quality, resulting ‘soon to be’ unhappiness and
dissatisfaction. People find a partner that reflects where they are inside
themselves, and if by chance you find someone who you don’t measure up to in
communication, compassion and general awareness, unless you are growing and
communicative of that, it’s back to the ‘lost
dark tunnel’ where love finds itself lost. The light at the end of
that dark tunnel is likely another train wreck coming. Become totally aware of
who you are consistently, and then only accept that same, hopefully, high level
of quality in all aspects of love and life. Keep a balance; focus on loving
yourself, and being aware of how you’re ‘showing up’ in 2012.