01 - Walk for 10 to 30 min. every day. As you walk, smile.
02 - Stay silent at least 10 min. each day. If necessary alone.
03 - Listen to good music all day, is an authentic food for the spirit.
04 - Getting up in the morning say this: My purpose today is ...
05 - Live with the 3 E's ... Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
06 - Have more fun than last year.
07 - Read more books than last year.
08 - Look at the sky at least once a day, consider the majesty of the world around you.
09 - Dream more while awake.
10 - Eat more natural foods like fruits and vegetables and less processed foods and those that require sacrifice.
11 - Eat nuts and walnuts. Drink plenty of water and one cup at least of grape juice every day.
12 - Try and treat at least three people a day.
13 - Eliminate the clutter in your house, car, office and let new energy flow into your life.
14 - Don't spend your precious time in gossip, stuff? Past, negative thoughts and things beyond your control. Better to invest your energy into positive things.
15 - Note that life is a school and you're there to learn. The problems are lessons that come and go. What you learn is better to invest in present needs.
16 - At breakfast eat like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
17 - Smile more.
18 - Don't let pass the opportunity to embrace those who appreciate.
19 - Life's too short to waste time hating anyone.
20 - Don't cover much. Not good.
21 - You don't have to win every argument. Demonstrate that doesn't conform and learn from others.
22 - Make peace with your past so not to ruin your present.
23 - Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea of the way they walked.
24 - No one is responsible for your happiness but yourself.
25 - Remember that you have no control over what happens to you, but what will make your life.
26 - Learn something new every day.
27 - What do others think of you matters.
28 - Enjoy your body and enjoy it.
29 - No matter how good or bad is the situation, change it if necessary.
30 - Your job will not worry if you're sick. His friends did. Stay in touch with them.
31 - Discard anything that isn't useful, beautiful and fun.
32 - Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
33 - The best is yet to happen
34 - No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and participate.
35 - Long live the fullness of your being.
36 - Communicate with your family regularly, sending them messages like: I'm thinking of you!
37 - Every night before bed say the following: I give thanks for __________. "Today I got _____________________.
38 - Remember that you're too blessed to be stressed.
39 - Enjoy the journey. You only get one chance to take the best advantage.
40 - Please send these sentiments to whom you deem important.
Life is beautiful. Enjoy it while you can.
Be happy my friend(s)!
With all my love
Dora Saunier
My friend, as a Deaf man, I've already mastered #2! LOL! Great sentiments and they're all so true! Thank you, my friend, for reminding us all!