¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Thursday, 05 March 2009


The other day I was doing my regular blog reading and I came upon a blog that didn’t permit me access. @ First I thought I made a mistake so when I tried to get onto the blog the message came up letting me know that I have to be invited to view said blog. So me being me, I decided to hit up the person via yahoo and ask what was going on. He then told me that a friend of his was denied a job because of something she wrote on her blog. Apparently companies are GOOGLING potential candidates to see if there is anything they can find out about them via their social networking sites. Of course her being a LESBIAN has NO bearing on her ability to perform @ her ENTRY-LEVEL-JOBtalk about THE TYRANNY OF THE (supposingly) MAJORITY huh? It ALWAYS get me how the INTELLIGENT persons within society TEND TO BE AFRAID OF WHAT THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND…I mean why waste your time N’ energy thinking about what someone else is doing in THEIR bedroom? And since it's none of their business, shouldn’t they oh I don’t know maybe hire the best person for the job instead of trying to find a reason NOT to hire someone? I feel that is an EXTREMELY poor reason to put a whole class of people in the very real garbage…don’t you? Why punish someone so you can feel superior to another? It is OBVIOUS that there is a SERIOUS case of little OR no self-esteem coupled with a HUGE inferiority complex that causes this type of behavior. This nearsighted N’ intolerant view of life FURTHER limits one understanding of the world. I suppose them seeing HOMOSEXUALS wildly dressed and bizarre as they participate in the pride parades colors their view. However that’s NO excuse because it is DUMB to judge an entire community based on a few…I know that there are times in life when one can claim IGNORANCE; however this isn’t one of those times…Our economy is in bad shape AND we need all hands on deck…And if some of those hands are attached to persons of the SAME-SEX PERSUASION SO BE IT! TO LOOSE A CHANCE TO HIRE SOMEONE BASED ON SEXUALITY IS VERY HURTFUL FOR BOTH SIDES. I KNOW THAT BLOGGING IS A MAJOR PART OF MY LIFE, IT IS THE ONE PLACE I CAN GO & BE ME & I FIND IT SAD THAT WE HAVE TO GO BACK INTO THE CLOSET BECAUSE OF HATRED & BIGOTRY…


  1. That's ridiculous. So much for freedom of speech.

  2. People are always being warned about the information they put up on their blogs or other social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.

    I keep reading where warnings are being issued to people that potential employers go there to check on the kind of person you are should they be interested in hiring you.

    I've found this information in business sections of online publications like the NYTIMES or BBC.

    What's on your CV, and how you conduct yourself in interviews, is no longer sufficient, I guess. Now employers want to know things that have nothing to do with the job they're hiring you for.

    Personalities, what you do outside of work, the friends you hang out with, your naughty little secrets, the works... they want to know.

  3. MAN!! That is so disturbing and even frightening. You bring up a great question in wondering why an employer would try to find reasons NOT to hire an otherwise well-qualified candidate for a job. Just when you think things are getting better....

  4. It's not only about being gay or lesbian.

    Apparently, they rationale is they want to checking to see if the person they want to hire is well-balanced, and that they are not hiring someone who maybe has tendencies of a psychopath, or is a loner, and can't get on well with others, etc.

    But really, the whole thing is highly subjective and can depend on personal tastes, and prejudices of the person doing the checking. If he finds something that he does not personally like, you're not getting that job. It's completely biased, and goes too far.

  5. Hey let me be first to tell you that most people blog anonymous...and Im sure your job isnt looking for Gaytekeeper. They are looking for Kishna....so I dont know why the feel the need to have an invited blog....first of all you would lose readers that way, and you will only get the response of only those invited...

    Yes, the business industry are looking for some of our fuckups...but at the same time you gotta know how to post. Of course you know that Oyin is not my real name...its my nigerian name...so my job aint looking for Oyin

    stay sweet man, and dont let the foolishness get to ya!! (HEY OSSIE)

  6. You can search for people on facebook using their email address, I wonder if you can do that on blogger and other sites too? All you need is someone's email address and you can find all types of things on them online. That's why I use one email for work and one for my own personal business.

  7. I'm learning something from ka-os. I had no idea you could search using an email address.

  8. *shucks* Lil ole me?

    I know you can on facebook, I'm not sure about blogger though. There's bound to be some way they can check up on us...

  9. It's strange and can have some negative aspects. But whats to say that they dont see something about u in your blog that does get ur hired. there's always a flip side. just depends on the person doing the searching.

  10. ah... been there done that, now I don't care (well I still am trying to be careful about it. lol).

  11. And to think that one of MySpace 'friends' has suddenly become curious about whether I've got a 'huggable butt' with some 'jelly' in it (his preference).

    He wants me to take a picture of my behind and send it to him.

  12. It's no surprise me that Google is used by employers, as it's become such a part of life in the tech age. What IS disturbing is that ANYONE can write ANYTHING about YOU, ME or ANYONE. It doesn't have to even be true and it can be found by Googling your name.

    So, if employers are using info found floating around in cyber-vile as a way of weeding out someone, it's wrong. And if it's about someone's sexuality and they choose to use it against hiring someone, then it's beyond wrong, it's discriminatory. If proven, can be and should be prosecuted!


  13. Man please believe it, the employers use google and other search engines to find out anything they can about a potential employee or the current employees, my boss would go through Facebook, MySpace and anything else he thought he might find information out about a person; then he would share his findings with other management.

    I agree it is sad that we have to take two step backwards because some people can't seem to understand that we are entitled to express ourselves. I have been out the damn closet for years and I am not going back in so if my employer or new employer finds it necessary to google me search for me via: internet not much will be found and what is found so be it! Let them eat shit and bark at the moon.

  14. They will never find anything on me. That's why I use a totally different name.

  15. Most of my online things r private ie myspace..but since i use my middle name for everything other than jobs and such, people can search the name on my resume (the first name) all they want and they wont find me lol

  16. I just feel that's crazy that someone one hire u based on or sexual preference. I feel like this... if I can't be Deonte` everywhere I go... then it's no need for me to work for u!!

  17. I've googled myslef. I have to say there isn't a lot to be found out about me. LMAO! I attempt to live a someone private life. That's one reason I don't have either facebook OR Myspace.

  18. Hey Gayte-keeper, you know what, I guess being on social networking sites can have its upsides. I found a message in my Facebook Inbox yesterday left by someone headhunting what could be suitable candidates for a job.

    So, maybe it's not all bad. Joining could have some advantage, you never know.

  19. I started my blog with a conscious decision to use my own name - but I was unemployed at the time I did it. Recently, I started a volunteer gig helping folk with genealogy at a very well-known institution in my city. Within days, I joined Facebook and the volunteer director AUTOMATICALLY became a "friend" because of our "professional emails". The day before, I ran into the head of a genealogy department at an institution THAT PAYS! She seemed surprised that I was "working for free" and asked for my number and added "don't forget about US". Just words for now, yes, but I wanted to work with this woman for YEARS! She asked for my contact info and without thinking I gave her a card that promotes my blog. Being out and proud aside, I did begin to worry about ALL OF THIS! But what's done is done! I guess I won't have too many secrets now, but imagine my chagrin if I know they've read about me eating ass or something. It is what it is! And right now it's just food for thought, but it does make me think I might need to go back and clean a few things up in the near future!

  20. Love the title - sounds illicit

    I feel that people are always curious as to what they can find out about someone and if they have the time and resources they will try to get as much info on you as possible.

    The internet just makes it easier




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