¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Wednesday, 31 December 2008


My formula for living this year is quite simple…I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night; and In between, I occupy myself as best as I can…The year that is about to past was all about me adjusting to the better angel of my nature AND living the best life possible. I feel a sense of balance AND happiness that I’ve NEVER felt in my life which is interesting since I’ve been without a job for a few months, had my car repossessed AND fell behind in my bills…ALL THINGS TO GET YOU TO THE NEXT PHASE OF YOUR IS HOW I SEE THINGS. I TAKE THE GOOD WITH THE BAD & CALL IT LIFE! This year has taught me some INTERESTING things and some people, places AND things were left behind and I am sure that they don’t understand, but all things in time…For a while I wondered if it’s all worth while, will things change? Then I realized that CHANGE has to start with me. There were some things wrong that I couldn’t see right in front of my face AND all I had to do was open my eyes. I wonder if I hadn’t done this, where would I be? I mean I’m already a product of a stifling society that chooses to SUFFOCATE me between walls of rules AND stereotypes; and if one doesn’t have a STRONG support system of family AND friends then…I felt like a triangle that was being made into a square little by little, day by day. This HURT because I knew that I was capable of SO much more and this year proved that to me is SO many ways. I knew that couldn’t OR wouldn’t be content as I am a free spirit that is looking for answers far beyond the comfort of my soul. This year I was NO longer that man STRUGGLING with confines and REBELLING against constraints for they are apart of me. It is like Alanis Morissette says in her song THANK UTHE MOMENT I LET GO OF IT WAS THE MOMENT I GOT MORE THAN I COULD HANDLE. THE MOMENT I JUMPED OFF OF IT WAS THE MOMENT I TOUCHED DOWN…THESE WORDS GAVE ME SUCH CLARITY & IT MADE ME SEE THAT I COULD BE MY OWN WORST ENEMY BY GOING AGAINST MY TRUTH…BUT ALL IN ALL I AM GLAD THAT I AM THAT WARRIOR THAT REFUSES TO LOOSE, KNOWING THAT THE ODDS ARE STACKED AGAINST ME. I WILL FOREVER TAKE ON EVERY CHALLENGE THAT COMES MY WAY IN 2009 AS IF IT IS MY LAST GREAT BATTLE. THIS YEAR MARKED THE BEGINNING OF ME NOT HOLDING BACK ANYTHING FOR TOMORROW FOR I KNOW THE POWER OF THE PRESENT. AND THE CONFIDENCE THAT I HAVE IN MY PERSONAL POWER, THE FAITH IN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF MY STRUGGLES SAYS THAT I WILL WIN EVERY BATTLE BEFORE IT IS FOUGHT. LIFE FOR ME IS ALL ABOUT EVALUATION, PREPARATION & EXECUTION. THIS ATTITUDE WILL TAKE ME BEYOND THE NORMAL LIMITS, MAKING ME MORE POWERFUL EACH TIME I OVERCOME MY STRUGGLES…INTERNALLY, EXTERNALLY, MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY & SPIRITUALLY…THANK YOU 2008 YOU’VE BEEN A SOURCE OF GREAT THINGS…


  1. Happy New Year TGK!! May the new year bring you all the happiness you can possibly stand.

    Be & do well

  2. Happy New Year!!!!

  3. I wish you a happy and prosperous 2009.

  4. We can all learn a thing or two from you baby about growing and continuously seeking the best life possible.You are such an inspiration babes and I hope all of us in 2009 make a serious effort to begin living our best lives ( for those who haven't started) and those who have, I hope that the journey continues.

  5. If only everyone could face the challenges of living their lives as you face yours.

    Just wanted to say Happy New Year and now after coming here, that I hope you find whatever it is that you are looking for.

  6. Happy New Year! I wish the best for you in 2009.

  7. hmmm something about taking that good with the bad.....I know its life...but shit life is hard as hell and once you feel youve moved far ahead...you get knocked down.

    BUT luckily Ive got so much strength and positivity....to go on through all my struggles.

    Talk to you later sweets!!

  8. Life can teach u somethings man can't it? I hope this year is so much better 4 you. I love this blog entry.

  9. Just trying to see if the list register my old name....silly me!!




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