I have been SINGLE for about 3 years and I have met NOT just someone, but the ONE that intend on my spending my life with. Now the thing about it is that I have always thought that relationships of this kind normally involves just two individuals; BOY WAS I WRONG! It would appear that from the moment that I told others about my budding relationship that I have been met with feelings of lament AND bewilderment. Being single for as long as I was, I thought that if there was ANYONE out there that was interested in me that they would have said so by now…and now you all over me like a pack of wolves. THE I LOVE YOU’S, SEXUAL COMMENTS & THE FLIRTING will NOT deter me from the man I am with. I know that the logical thing to do is to NOT allow you to become more important than you really are, but I just feel that this needs to written. The FANTASY relationship that you DREAM of have has NO foundation AND your reality is a MERE illusion. Hence I will NOT internalize my feelings in capitulation AND shrug you off with the simple CLICHÉ that you are a good person. You are HUMAN, YES! But accept the FACT that you AND I will NOT be what you feel we should! SO BE WARNED! The alarm has been rung AND if you trespass the integrity of my relationship, you will NOT warned via this medium. I AM NOT FAIR GAME & I DO NOT LOVE IN THE DARK! I GUESS BOYS WILL BE BOY…WHICH PRESENTS THE PROBLEM THAT WE GAY MEN ARE HAVING IN THIS COMMUNITY. FOR FAR TOO LONG WE HAVE BEEN LIVING OUR LIVES AS LITTLE BOYS THAT ARE JUST PLAYING & NOT LIVING. IT IS SAD THAT WE LIVE IN A CULTURE IN WHICH GAY COUPLES CANNOT ASSUME THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP WILL BE RESPECTED or UNDERSTOOD. THIS SHOWS THAT WE DO NOT HAVE A COMMON ASSUMPTION ABOUT WHAT IT TRULY MEANS TO BE GAY. SO MANY OF US SIMPLY ASSUME THAT IT IS ALRIGHT TO HIT ON ANY GAY MAN, SINGLE or OTHERWISE. THIS UNFINISHED BUSINESS OF OWNING OUR SEXUALITY NEEDS TO BE TAKEN CARE IMMEDIATELY, FOR THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN RADICALLY RESPECT OURSELVES & THOSE OF US THAT ARE IN COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS.
B I fully agree with your views on this issue. I think there is a syndrome in both the gay and straight community to gravitate to someone who is unavailable but stay clear of someone who isn't. Is this syndrome a result of our unresolved childhood complex of not wanting someone else has it. Does it appear more appealing then? It can be argued that this syndrome is more prevalent in the gay community which to me is a serious indictment on us as gay men. It is important to respect people's relationships and boundaries that are naturally inherent in them.The fact that a lot of guys are attracted to my Boo is a testament to the fact that he is such an amazing man and i am incredibly proud of him. I consider myself to be extremely fortunate to have him in my life and I am reminded of that on a daily basis.It is such a beautiful thing and I wish that all of you can find something as real and someone as amazing as I have.
ReplyDeleteLove conquers hate and the amazing bond that we have and share can and will not be broken. B no one can get in the way of what I feel for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Correction to original posting. The pen-ultimate line should read..... Love conquers hate and the amazing bone that we have and share cannot and will not be broken.