¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Tuesday, 31 July 2007


ISN'T IT INSANE HOW MOST IF NOT ALL OF US LOOK @ THE HOMOSEXUAL LIFESTYLE IN TWO DIFFERENT WAYS? THERE ARE TWO BOXES & THEY ARE LABELLED MASCULINE or FEMININE, AND ITS CRAZY HOW THEY ARE VIEWED.When comparing both CHARACTERS doesn’t it seem as if they are both the same just playing different roles? The MASCULINE takes on the role of the HOMOTHUG, whereas the FEMININE takes on the role of the DRAG QUEEN. So tell me this if the HOMO THUG is just a MAN that dresses up in baggy jeans, a BIG SHIRT, a TWISTED HAT and an ATTITUDE to match. Whereas the DRAG QUEEN is a man that dresses up in aWIG, PUMPS, a DRESS and the attitude to match. How are they seen as the NEGATIVEand POSITIVE aspects of the HOMOSEXUAL LIFESTYLE? WHY CAN’T BOTH PERSONAS BE IDOLIZE AND CHERISH? 

I find that we rather live in a SAD and SCARY SOCIETY when HOMO THUGS are IDOLIZED and seen as the EPITOME of MAN. If one searches for the meaning of a THUG, one would see things like GANGSTA, HOOLIGAN or BRUTE now tell me how does this make persons feel good about DATING, HAVING SEX or THINKING THIS IS A MAN’S MAN? This man takes on the persona of thug but really enjoys MALE PUSSY. So this makes him a better GAY MAN, even better than aDRAG QUEEN? Now I am not saying that the DRAG QUEEN is a better option but I am saying that he is no less of a MAN than the HOMO THUG. Yes, he shows us the side ofHOMOSEXUALITY that makes us feel uncomfortable, but who is really the odd man out?

Why do you HATE on the DRAG QUEEN because he is effeminate wear the large sunglasses and a swish? We always fall down when it comes to identifying who we are and want to fit in, but NEWS FLASH WE ARE NOT MEANT TO! We represent something DIFFERENT, something SPECIAL…something GOD FEARING; so why do we live as if that is not the case? I HATE LABELS & THE THOUGHT OF PLACING MYSELF INTO SOME BOX THAT IS NICELY WRAPPED UP WITH A BOW ON TOP DOES NOT MAKE ME FEEL GOOD ABOUT BEING A MAN. I cannot understand why after all this time on this planet we cannot seem to find OUR OWN PEACE OF MIND. HOW ABOUT INSTEAD OF SUBSCRIBING TO EITHER ROLE, CHARACTER or STEREOTYPE; WE JUST STAY IN THE MIDDLE? We need to see these ROLES as a form of expression and when persons PLAY DRESS UP, THAT IS ALL IT IS. Nonetheless, we are hard pressed to ASSUME that the GAMES of SEXUALITY are real and we further complicate the layers of SEXUALITY. We are all individuals so why do we want to subscribe to a person that is trying to play the majority? HOMOSEXUALITY is still an acceptable prejudice and no amount of clothes or make up will change that.

We need to come to together and show a united front in order to get the things that we fear the most out of way, which is OURSELVES. We as community need to face the REAL HARDSHIPS and make a change instead of pretending that it does not exist. There is too much DRAMA/PASSION IN LIFE TO BE a THUG & a QUEEN FULL TIME. I cannot really understand the logic behind homophobia. This PARANOIA, this AVOIDANCE just constantly reinforcing the NEGATIVE and POSITIVE aspect of MASCULINITY and FEMININITY. We DECREASE and LESSEN the competition for PUSSY and @ THE END OF THE DAY WE ALL NEED TO TAKE OUR D!CKS OUT OF OUR ASSES & LET GO OF THE FACT THAT WE ARE CONSUMED WITH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, FEELINGS & EMOTIONS WHEN IT COMES TO TWO MEN F&CKING. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THAT CHANGE WILL COME…


  1. I despise labels too. I mean, its one of those things in life that appear unavoidable, but I still dislike them. I've said for years, there is species on Earth that people love to force in 'boxes' more than the black male, well, maybe the gay black male.

  2. I do agree with you statements!! With education and understanding comes FREEDOM. Hopefully this change will come as we work to perpetuate it!!




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