¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Tuesday, 01 May 2007


…A YEAR AND COUNTING! I’ve been @ this for a year now; sharing my thoughts and feelings on LIFE AND ALL THE THINGS IN BETWEEN. I wrote from my heart about all the difficult position of my life. I have walked a painful path in an emotional pool that I have been suppressing for years. And I got to share those with you and for that I THANK YOU! I thank you for your comments and taking the time to acknowledge my heart. You have embraced my feelings of isolation, sadness and fear; you’ve allowed me an opportunity to simply be…This milestone doesn’t belong to just me, this is for ALL of you that I’ve touched and will continue to so.


into the ancient heart of God

Fly!... into the heavenly realms above

Leap!... into the cradle of perfect love

Live!... in the forgiveness of a healing song

Take!... the words that cleanse the soul

Drink!... living water that makes you whole

Seek!... a Savior of all the world

Be!... connected to the beauty of all

Thanks to my ability to write and express myself I am the creator of my universe, like the silkworm I have built a cocoon around myself and I’ve burst my cocoon and come out as a beautiful butterfly. My soul is now free to explore, experience and live. Thus I am the true GAYTE_KEEPER with the keys to the universe…THANK YOU AND KEEP READING…

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