¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!
As the song goes, ‘pussy real good, that pussy real good; that pussy off the chain…’ interesting how women use the vagina to get what they want. Even funnier how as GAY man the pussy is one organ that doesn’t mean a FUCK to me…I love how women act as if the pussy they have is GOLD or something and the typical man would sell his mother for slice of the self cleaning organ. It’s like an evil shadow across their brain makes men go insane. Women uses their pussy as bargaining chips to satisfy their needs and wants; diamonds, pearls a brand new car…The pussy is her best friend, she keeps it real and why shouldn’t it be, it pays her bills. Mothers know of the power of pussy that they fear for theirs Sons very lives…Talk about 'PUSSY POWER' I remember when I had the ‘PUSSY ITCH’ I tried to get rid of it nightly, I take my medicine and sleep the day away as time passes fast funny how fast the time passes as I try to mask my depression and unhappiness between a females leg not for grief but for the ability to breathe. I can remember laying flat on my back in my cell-like room where the darkness looms and the shadows bruise my sanity as I lose to the demons of memory I begin to crave and fiend for dick lick my lips kiss death in thought. 9” PLEASE soothing to silence the screams which arrive daily right on time as time passes. I am dealing with mental lashings this sickness is attacking creating mind madness because I am caught up in the ‘PUSSY POWER’ I find that engaging in the squishy act of stupid sex with pussy is basically like going to the toilet from the front side. Only losers FUCK pussy, everyone knows that only fags do it because vaginas are totally gay! It would be wonderful if men could ignore their raging hormones and burning drive to…fondle, suckle, and thrust furiously into a hot gooey pit of creamy-soft fleshy ecstasy. They should keep their groinal giblets inside their underwear and punch those sweaty bits into submission whenever they drip with desire. Fucking pussy is wasting the ‘SCARED MILK’ unless it is inside of some hot GUY! Pussy can cost a man to catch a brain-rotting STD…"Finger Herpes" from "feeling up" the nasty dirty girlie holes. Pussy is used to make babies that cost you to blow your whole salary on diapers and a stroller instead of G-STRIPS of that hot MALE stripper @ the club. I know that my existence pose a threat to those that use their ‘PUSSY POWER’ funny when I think about a woman has two available holes that suppose to give pleasure and I don’t want any part of it. Funny how pussy has no power with me, funny how pussy can’t never be as satisfying as a D!CK, so to the members of the ‘PUSSY POWER’ club I am here to tell you that you have no power…D!CKS RULE!
An aggressive little girl, with three grey hairs on her va-jay-jay dressed in an expensive white dress with matching shoes with her hairdo and manicured and painted fingernails making her look like a miniature beauty queen, lots of ghosts, a lot of lesbian ghosts. During the night, she had a dream where she decided to go to a church. She began to look around for a chapel in which she could pray. The outer hallway of the building was well appointed with marble and fine woods. She knew she was in the belly of the beast
The clouds had cleared away and the afternoon winter sun was casting long shadows; and she was feeling things she had never felt before. What do I do she thought? She couldn’t talk to her mom about it, she couldn’t talk to her pastor and she didn’t want to find some man to take care of her problem. Her insides were churning as each second went by and there seemed no relief in sight. It was as if her va-jay-jay knew of a secret that it wasn’t about to share. Unknowing Mr. Dildo was passing her way and knew that look on her face; in fact he could sense the beating of her heart in her vagina.
Removing her clothing humbled her, yet the closer she got to her nakedness she felt sad and relived. The conflicting emotions left her with a background feeling of depression. Sometimes, in the midst of undressing, she would stop and sit, reflecting on her innocence for it was about to be no more. Then she remembered that strange vivid dreams which made rips in her depression. In the dreams, she would find herself in this same situation; but this time it was different. Her dreams were normally bland and uninteresting, but in this reality she would finally get to become a woman. She looked over at her teddy bear sitting comfortably in an easy chair in the room. The bear seemed to be looking up at her with a sympathetic smile. At that moment she knew that she had to do, there was no turning back; it’s all or nothing. She whimsically grabbed the dildo and she slid her nude body and the dildo under the covers and became a woman.
***for DAVEY***
WE ARE TWO UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL CHILDREN OF GOD, WHOSE FATE WAS PRE-DESTINED...WE WALK THIS PATH TOGETHER. NEITHER ONE OF US IS PERFECT, BUT WE ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER! The phrase the butterfly effect refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or, for that matter, prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. Hence the butterflies that I feel in my stomach are indicators of change and a sign of a LOVE that come nestle with me once more.
I am filled with feelings of joy and happiness, it's like I am living off love...as if I am love. I have no appetite to eat when he isn't there...crazy huh? But I don't care, he is all that I think about and all that I need. I can't even think about my favourite love songs without getting all choked up and my eyes filled with water. I long to tell him the the words that I been holding inside of me for so long, the words that I wanted to say to only HIM. I know that once I do that there is no turning back, I have to face love and I won't be able to run from it.
It's so strange how I don't care, I am not gonna run this time...I want to see this through. If it last for a day, a year...5 years I don't care. I love him and its so strong, its crazy. I find myself waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the moment when the egg ends up on my face...DAMN THESE BUTTERFLIES! I know that I want him to be my lifetime not just a seasonal love, I want him to be my forever.