¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Monday, 08 December 2008


THIS BLOG ENTRY IS FOR PERSONS THAT ALWAYS TELL ME HOW MUCH THEY LIKE MY BLOG & WISHES THEY COULD DO ONE THEMSELVES...SO THIS IS ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THEM...Everyone, at one time or another, has wanted to express his or her story. Writing a blog to share with family or friends is an emotionally satisfying way to gain perspective on your experiences while sharing your unique voice. We’ve all experienced feelings and events in our lives that we are longing to write down. Giving in to that urge can give you an outlet for purging any frustration, anxiety, or long-dormant feelings. Satisfying the need to tell your story is not predicated upon your writing ability. It does, however take effort to write down the truth in detail. Your memories, captured on paper as descriptive scenes, sights, sounds, and scents, can give a person insight into their lives. Writing a blog can also help you understand your life experiences. And when you finish writing, you may be surprised at what you have accomplished. Your blog can encompass as much or as little of your life as you prefer. You may surprise yourself with new insights, or you may find yourself exploring your roots, your identity, and your future through your words. Allow your writing to guide you and write as truthfully as possible. Don’t worry about what others will think of your personal journey, your style of writing, or your words. Research has shown that writing a personal narrative filled with feelings and perceptions can create long-term health benefits. As you write, remember to have compassion for yourself, particularly when writing about traumatic events. Your writing may help family members know you better, or they may understand themselves more through reading about your experiences. More importantly, you are expressing yourself in a permanent way, giving a gift to yourself, and letting your voice be heard.


  1. wow, thanks Gayte....I do my best...but I will follow your guide sweets!!

  2. oh BTW
    Hey sweets.....YOUVE BEEN TAGGED!!

  3. I live for your blog, and couldn't see not logging on daily to see what's happing in your world. Blogging is so cathartic--I love it...

  4. I treat my blof like graffiti and bomb the hell out of it with what ever comes in my head.

    Feels good.

  5. @ clnmike- blof?

    lol, yeah boy you been tagged...again!!

  6. Thanks for the great tips!

  7. Words of wisdom and inspiration from the Master himself. I gotta say thanks on behave of all of us that respect you.

  8. I think i am better at commenting on stuff than actually writing and coming up with stuff. Or it might be that i am just too lazy to start a blog,so until then would have to live vicariously through other people's blogs.

  9. Very good info for someone interested in blogging.

  10. Look at you and ya blueprint. Gone wit yo bad self!

  11. Great advice
    I will start writing soon enough




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