¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!
I used to believe that this anger, this abstract, imposed-from-outside thing, controlled her. I believed that she could actually get rid of it. No more, though; I've learned that this anger is part of her, that its power comes from her. She isn’t aware of it and doesn’t know to avoid letting it control her. She constantly feeds it, giving it power like keeping snakes suspended above the lake.
I feel that she free-associate, a lot, spontaneously. Which is a normal thing, I've learned; I did a personality assessment and found that she is almost off the scale as an introvert and an intuitive, masking as an extrovert. I have found that introverted intuitives are people who see connections that other people don't see. Those connections often lead to triggers.
Her anger isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is corrosive and destructive. It is also extremely powerful, and can be used to accomplish amazing things IF it is harnessed, this is the problem with triggers. Her triggers are causes her to reach for her anger and makes her soul bitter. This presents the perfect opportunity that the ball of snake is waiting for, a chance to strike once again.
I wish she could/would get pass herself, not feel like she fading; stop associating herself with things, people that make her feel useless, unimportant and irritating. I wish that she uses her intuitive power and see things for what they are worth, not get hang up on the issues that ain't important. Love herself, stop trying to prove herself to herself and others, know that she is unique and doesn't need to fit in, she knows that she can't be molded like the rest of the world...Yet still she tries, making the world pay for her pain.
Im (perfect)ion
Power Embodied, Bravery Defined!
Brilliance Projected, Integrity Refined!
Leaping Forward, & Always Abounding!
…Forever Resounding!
Born gay through god’s plan
Living gay through my plan
I bow to no man prejudices
I’ve dealt with my own imperfections
Now you learn to deal
Your issues will remain
So suppress me, stress me,
Your blissful high of ignorance is so knowledgeable
I know that we are all created equal,
Making us God's angels.
Society will not, cannot persecute this individual!
For in the centermost part of my being
I embrace the beauty and greatness of myself as a creation of GOD.
For within me there is a profound place
At whose edge I sit & dream
I cannot live by bread alone,
Nor will I live by your excuses.
So accept that I love the skin I'm in,
Despite the scratches,
The bruises,
The blemishes,
The scars…
I'm imperfect jus for me.
I know it’s hard to step out of your mindset,
View your conundrum with a fresh eye.
Diversity is about who we are
So shut your eyes to reality,
Invite your own destruction,
Pretend things aren't what they seem.
Project your evil as if it’s my own.
So as you sin against others,
Others sin against themselves,
I will not struggle with your internal and external homophobia
Dealing wit traumatizing events,
Playing hide n' seek like kids having no one to look for.
I see that your vision is clouded,
I know I am not a saint and I'm not made of stone,
The world has to admire me.
I am already despised and misunderstood,
But I am a great genius,
I'm certain of it.
I don’t fear perfection,
I will never reach it…
I am im (perfect)ion personified!