¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Saturday, 30 May 2009


JUST FEEL BETTER was the second international single to be released from Santana's 2005 album All That I Am. The song features lead vocals by Aerosmith front man Steven Tyler. The song is produced by John Shanks and written by Jamie Houston, Buck Johnson and Damon Johnson. The single achieved reasonable success in Australia, debuting at Number 8 on the ARIA chart and receiving significant airplay. I LOVE this song and every time I hear it, I am reminded of how impossible it is to meet the expectations we hold ourselves to. This life is tough and if we are not patient with ourselves, we can get lost in the shuffle. So it is up to us to be mindful that what we are experiencing is only temporary and all we need is that helpful hand that is willing to aid us in regaining our internal balance. So as you listen to the words of this song, I HOPE that you ACCEPT that difficult situations will arise from time to time and I want you to treat them as if they are passing events rather than make them apart of who you are.


  1. I can identify with the lyrics. That has been my life for the past few months. And thanks for your words, they just reminded me of how things ought to be.

  2. great song...and great reminder that it is not our mistakes or the difficulties we face that define us. it is how we respond to them. live, learn, and forgive others and ourselves then move on to live again.

    have a great day

  3. Never listened to Santana...but seems that Ive heard this song before...

    how are you hun??

  4. vid was good though




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