¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Saturday, 21 April 2007


We're all familiar with the idea of the American Dream. It’s a myth; and the idea that a person can go from rags to riches. And it's a myth that's founded on a sort of reality. The idea is a simple one, a strong one and no matter whom you are what you start with, you have an opportunity, a chance to go from zero to a million in the short space of a lifetime. Similarly here in the Bahamas, we have a dream; though not of super stardom or fame, we undoubtedly want a life full of MONEY and nothing but SUN, SAND and SEA. The thing that separates us from the USA is the fact that OUR dreams are more realistic and can be achieved with hard work and determination. In America THEY achieve their dreams via vehicles such as REALITY SHOWS with thoughts of FORTUNE and FAME. I like many others in the Bahamas doesn’t seek this sort of life, I want enough to live in a nice environment and be able to afford the things that would maintain my life and make me happy. The Bahamian Dream is so powerful, to my mind, because as a society, we started not from zero, but from a negative number. The present black Bahamian upper class is comprised of people who were born into poverty, or of people whose parents were raised with next to nothing in their pockets. For some of them, they have gone from zero to a million in the space of three and a half decades — the precise time it's been possible for a Bahamian of any complexion, but especially of African heritage — to participate creatively and meaningfully in the economy. I can name our own successes: entrepreneurs like Tiger Finlayson and Franklyn Wilson and Myles Munroe and Neil Ellis spring immediately to mind. Now, countless Bahamians of eminently humble backgrounds and limited prospects have drastically improved their standard of living. Men and women who, when they were born, could look forward to little more than a basic education in one of the few public schools have become doctors and lawyers and politicians and preachers and stars. As a Bahamian tell me what's your definition of ‘THE BAHAMIAN DREAM?’ Does it involve money? Does it involve love? Does it involve healthiness? First of all, what is your my idea of a “PERFECT LIFE?” It’s full of happiness, money, love, food, cars, whatever you desire; coupled with a good job and spare time for family and friends. I believe that when it comes to living a so called “PERFECT LIFE” there is nothing more important than having a good balance. So I ask does the “PERFECT LIFE” have to include money, cars and fancy things? Why place such high importance on acquiring wealth? What does this prove? How do these things richly enhance your life? Affording a big house that will make the fire bigger on ‘JUDGEMENT DAY.’ Buying expensive material things that will be out by next season. How about indulging your every desire, funny that will last until you climax. Please inform me as to how this can make you a better person. When talking about living out this dream, many people would consider it to be a worry free life. When people think about their ‘BAHAMIAN DREAM’ they tend to be idealistic instead of being realistic. So I ask what exactly does it take to live a “PERFECT LIFE?” I am aware that is a question that has no right or wrong answer; it simply depends on whom you are asking. A love for mankind, being a good person and living your life ‘CHRIST LIKE’ is my idea of the ‘BAHAMIAN DREAM’ what’s yours?

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