¡We can no longer be a bunch of empty minds living in critical times refusing to recognize real lies!

Wednesday, 12 July 2006


I WANT U 2...
Stop making life so difficult and complicated by being afraid to fully live it. Start spending more time as the person you truly are. Stop building elaborate scenarios in your mind about what might or might not happen. Start giving your focus and energy to making the most of the moment you're in. Stop wishing that things had been different. Start seeing the real, positive value and experience you've gained from where you've been. Stop being so obsessed by the things you don't have and constantly distracted by your desire for more. Start to fully appreciate your blessings and to enjoy the true abundance of always having enough. Stop worrying and fretting over what others may think. Start confidently offering your own special values, gifts and perspectives to life. Stop wasting your time wondering about what could have been. And start to discover for yourself the incredible wonders of what can be. Start working on Yourselves; spiritually mentally and physically. Do it because we want to improve ourselves. If we succeed in making yourself happy the mate we seek will naturally be attracted to you. How in the world can we make someone else happy if we are not happy with our situation in life? Find things that can enrich your life. Join a book club, go bike riding or roller-skating, take a trip, go to a ball game, etc...Stop rushing into momentary lapses of physical satisfaction. Damn how many times am I gonna say this? "Everything that looks good ain't good for ya". Stop having sex with someone we meet in the first night or even within the first week. Take the time to find out about the person character and mindset. A lot of time we will see that they are not worthy of our love or attention. We may find out that the person's ego is so ugly it destroys the total package.Open up our mind to new experiences. We are more prone to go to a club than to go to a workshop on safer sex or relationship building. Stop limiting ourselves to sexuality. We don't have to stop doing everything we did before we accepted our sexuality.We must not live our lives through our sexuality. We should let our sexuality be a part of our life and ourselves. There is more to life than a fine body, big dick or tight ass. As soon as we think we are the best there is always something better to take our place. RESPECT one another's personal space, feeling and person. When the disrespect sets in, it's time to pack the bags and move on. Our individual well being is the most important aspect to a healthy and strong relationship. We cannot give love if we are always in a state of fear. We must allow our mate to have their personal time alone and with their friends. When our mates go away they come back with a wealth of conversation through the growth they experience in their other relationships. If we are always together it limits the conversation but when our partners are allowed to freely express themselves they come back with so much more to share with you freely from their own life and experiences. It helps to build trust and sustain a lasting relationship. Let go of the past hurt, pain and self-destructive behaviors. We get so comfortable in known pain that we fear unknown pleasure. We walk around telling everyone our sob story till nobody wants to deal with us. Yes, it happened. Yes, our hearts were broken but we cannot allow a past experience to put F.E.A.R. (False Experiences Appearing Real) to dictate the rest of our love lives. By judging men based on what happened in the past, gives power to the person we perceived to have hurt us and thereby they still control our lives even though they are not in it. First YOU must look at your behavior; Am I attracting a different man to play the same role? Am I repeating a behavior to coax a man to participate in a category because I have decided, "all men are this way"? Second YOU must look to see what you are doing to continue the "drama" Am I still going to the same hangout where I met this "type" of guy? Am I judging him based on what my "ex" did to me expecting and leading him to do just what I expect? Third YOU must take a look at what you want and are you ready for it; Am I ready for love? Am I healing my heart? What is it I seek in myself that will be reflected by a potential mate? Past Transgression are the biggest blockers to experiencing true love. Don't let love pass you by because of an illusion of perceived hurt.

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